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The floor is covered with a white velvet carpet with pink roses all over it and there are pink silk curtains at the windows.


In the other corner was the aforesaid three-corner table adorned with a fat, red velvet pin-cushion hard enough to turn the point of the most adventurous pin.


" But she wondered for what inscrutable reason Aunt Alberta had seen fit to tie a black velvet ribbon around each of her chubby arms above the elbow.


And at the zenith of his fame, how he would suddenly appear at the old village and stalk into church, brown and weather-beaten, in his black velvet doublet and trunks, his great jack-boots, his crimson sash, his belt bristling with horse-pistols, his crime-rusted cutlass at his side, his slouch hat with waving plumes, his black flag unfurled, with the skull and crossbones on it, and hear with swelling ecstasy the whisperings, "It's Tom Sawyer the Pirate!


And they are as thick as if they had been cut from velvet.


Hours later, Signora Franci came in again, this time with green velvet slippers she had bought because I always walked around in socks.

冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第69期:第五章 琼恩 (6)

, Tonight it was rich black velvet, with high leather boots and a wide belt with a silver buckle.

冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第66期:第五章 琼恩 (3)

, A thick tangle of blond curls dripped down past his golden choker and high velvet collar.

乔布斯传 第73期:惊艳亮相

Apple had a counter draped in black velvet and a large pane of backlit Plexiglas with Janoff's new logo.


To reap these benefits, learning the language as an expat is critical, said Daniele Gatti, CEO of Velvet Media and long-time Japan resident.


Don't forget the rich fantasy life that the Crab in your life possesses -- put a little imagination into your efforts, whether that means more candles, incense and velvet table cloths, or perhaps a theme evening -- French food, movie and music.


For a classic look, pair a black jacket (like Sarah Jessica Parker's velvet number) with dark denim or a bright white tuxedo design (like Gwyneth Paltrow's) with a lighter or acid-washed pair.


And the wood and the sea sang a song of rejoicing, and his heart sang with the rest: all nature was a vast holy church, in which the trees and the buoyant clouds were the pillars, flowers and grass the velvet carpeting, and heaven itself the large cupola.


But I can tell the petals feel velvet.


Heather Laird, of the Sprinkle Bakes blog, was the first to share her ingredients and method for a velvet galaxy cake, but there are plenty of alternatives to suit your tastebuds.

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Inside colourful velvet couches and chairs furnish rooms floored in linoleum and maple wood, with black leather touches also seen throughout.


Pink velvet party dresses from the brand sell for around $280, while a pillar-box red coat with a bow collar costs $395.


The tracks of which I speak were but faintly perceptible—having been impressed upon the firm, yet pleasantly moist surface of—what looked more like green Genoese velvet than any thing else.


When he was 19 and still living in England, his manager, back from the States, gave him an acetate record of "The Velvet Underground and Nico," obtained directly from Andy Warhol.


(Salvia elegans,pinapple sage),;(Salvia confertiflora,:red velvet sage),,.

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