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7 percent) were awarded to males and just 36 to females, a gender difference entirely consistent with male idiot theory (MIT) that states men are idiots and idiots do stupid things.

聪明的格蕾特 Clever Grethel

" Then she said, "Hallo, Grethel, enjoy yourself, one fowl has been cut into, take another drink, and eat it up entirely; when it is eaten you will have some peace, why should God's good gifts be spoilt?

金娃娃 The gold-children

But it came to pass one day when the man was sitting by the water-side, and casting his net, that he drew out a fish entirely of gold.

土地神 The gnome

Then he played until the room was entirely filled.

生命之水 The water of life

When at last the year had entirely expired, the third son likewise wished to ride out of the forest to his beloved, and with her forget his sorrows.

熊皮人 Bearskin

" The poor betrothed bride dressed herself entirely in black, and when she thought of her future bridegroom, tears came into her eyes.


At a naturalization ceremony that the two sociologists observed, an official told new citizens that they were granted French nationality because they had assimilated "not to the point where you entirely resemble native French people, yet enough so that you feel at ease among us.


Then came three young princesses who were entirely dressed in black, but had a little white on their faces; they told him he was not to be afraid, they would not hurt him, and that he could deliver them.

三万元遗产 The $30,000 Bequest(3)

He was dead more than four days now and used to it; entirely dead, perfectly dead, as dead as any other new person in the cemetery; dead in abundant time to get into that week's SAGAMORE, too, and only shut out by an accident; an accident which could not happen to a metropolitan journal, but which happens easily to a poor little village rag like the SAGAMORE.

狗的自述 A Dog's Tale(1)

she was just a soldier; and so modest about it -- well, you couldn't help admiring her, and you couldn't help imitating her; not even a King Charles spaniel could remain entirely despicable in her society.

the BELL钟声

Yet perhaps I may be able once more to see the round red sun before he entirely disappears.


We aren't entirely sure why, but belly fat is linked to increased insulin resistance, which can result in type II diabetes.


" She put them both into a basket, then covered them entirely with gold, so that nothing could be seen of them.

the Robber Bridegroom强盗新郎

then the beautiful bride went from one room to another, walking through the whole house, but it was entirely empty, and not a human soul was to be found.


Usually they are based entirely around financial rewards, and when the profits slide, there is little staff or customer loyalty to fall back on.


They are still mostly wild animals that "rely almost entirely on their natural social behaviors," writes Wade.


The findings also indicated that the concept of an online profile is not entirely useful and 'can result in the objectification of potential partners'.


" They took him off to show him silver kitchens, where silver chickens roasted over silver fires, and silver gardens where silver peacocks spread their tails The boy picked a little bunch of silver flowers and stuck them in his hat That night he gave them to the king's daughter when she asked for them The third day, he crushed the third head and found a gold key He slipped the key into the lock and entered a solid gold palace, where his servents were gold too, from wig to boots; the beds were


That's just what we need," and huge shadows swooped down on the ship It was the Island of Vultures, inhabited entirely by those greedy birds They flew off with every ounce of carrion, promising in return to help the men whenever they called, "Vultures, fine vultures, help us!

美国老人捡零钱 2万美元捐助流浪猫

Once he surpassed his second goal of $20,000, however, he decided to give it all away to the Gulf Shore Animal League, a nonprofit organization run entirely by volunteers that spends the majority of their time helping cats in Manatee County.

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