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Ditch the unhealthy foods: Your hubby and kids might be fans of an occasional can of soda, bowl of cookie dough ice cream, or Hershey's Kiss, but if those foods are within your reach, you're bound to crave them.


The richer the country gets, the more meat its citizens crave.


There's something about humans that makes us crave for our pain to be recognized.


And I crave for a few moments of quiet, silent meditation in the morning of this day.


What do you crave after a long day at work when you need to refuel—a happy hour with friends,or your couch and the remote control?


Any disruption to them — whether it's a flight across time zones that leaves travelers in bright light when their bodies crave sleep, or darkness when their bodies are wide-awake, shift work or even stress — can lead to jet lag or, in extreme cases, potentially lead to the development of serious health problems like obesity and cancer, he said.


As I got older, I didn't merely crave material items-I wanted freedom.


People like these three visionaries deeply crave control.


In order to show the interests, temperament and ideals of the owners of the gardens,there are also tablets and couplets, such as "Yuanxiangtang which means the fragrance of the lotus symbolizing human character,"Xiangzhou" , which means the elegant sweet grass symbolizing noble temperament and "Huafangzhai", which describes the crave for the lives of the ancient people drifting like a boat, and "Zhenyi", "Xiao taoyuan" in Wangshiyuan,which reflect the longing of the garden owner for an idle life


People who crave the freedom to do what they want when they want generally make terrible entrepreneurs.


tests involving milkshakes demonstrate that it's the sugar, not the fat, that people crave.

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"Millennials crave structure and guidance, so set clear expectations," Duggan says.

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Some women crave pickles when pregnant, but that's when Jade Sylvester developed a taste for toilet paper.


Know that we are born to crave companionship, and let others into your world at an appropriate pace.


Persuading those who crave love to make foolish choices…Causing those who yearn for family to act out in anger.


That's what they crave the most.


People who are leery of intimate relationships — "avoidant," in psychological jargon — seem to reap relatively small benefits from nostalgia compared with people who crave closeness.


10 years ago, I craved for eating meat with every meal; 10 years later, I crave for vegetables with every meal.


00 when the brain experiences a surge of neuropeptide Y, the neurotransmitter responsible for making you crave high-energy food.

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