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旅游英语:Chinatown In New York

Yet, because the community has been cloistered for so long and has only just begun to seek help from city officials for its internal problems, you won't detect any hint of difficulties unless you reside in Chinatown for a considerable length of time.


He added a heap of sauerkraut to give just a hint of sharpness, and a squirt of mustard, made with his own recipe.


Handy hint: Make a date today with a pal to walk once a week for 50 minutes.

精品英语文摘:Sunday Promise 周日的约定

(7) Occupying a third of my plate were her prize-winning purple-hull peas ---- slow simmered with bacon, peppers, and a hint of sugar.

精品英语文摘:A Moment of Joy

As the first hint of sun was creasing the horizon, she suddenly said, "I'm tired.


They hint at that the troubling fact that privilege tends to be highly apparent to everyone except the people who enjoy it.

Waiting for Love 爱的等待

She dropped one hint after another to encourage him, but he remained big fool never dare to disclose to his own thought.


They also went on to hint that her cameo could prove a big hit for the shows ratings.

研究发现 幽默能让婚姻长期'保鲜'

Anecdotally, it's easy to point to couples that survived a decades without a hint of shared laughter or goofiness, or ones that ended despite a healthy quotient of humor and compassionate behavior.

生活中的粗鲁行为越来越多 职场中却正好相反

Then, when you stopped off to pick up a few things on your way to work, some guy with too many items in the express checkout line ran his cart over your toe with no hint of an apology.


' When the reporter said: 'That's awesome', Ed said: 'Thank you' – so not a full confirmation, but a pretty strong hint.


He said: "Apparently a member of staff gave out a hint in a seminar that the sleep topic was definitely going to come up.


It literally smells like a dead, decaying and rotting corpse, with a hint of fish and sweaty socks for good measure.


Welp, Meghan's pregnancy announcement may be on the horizon, folks, as the latest hint that the royal couple are preparing for children has surfaced.


Just give us a hint.

冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第69期:第五章 琼恩 (6)

His uncle was sharp-featured and gaunt as a mountain crag, but there was always a hint of laughter in his blue-grey eyes.

万物简史 第24期:走进太阳系(2)

Pluto in Christy's photograph is faint and fuzzy ,, a piece of cosmic lint and its moon is not the romantically backlit, crisply delineated companion orb you would get in a National Geographic painting, 《》: but rather just a tiny and extremely indistinct hint of additional fuzziness.

冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第46期:第三章丹尼莉丝 (12)

Dany saw the smallest hint of a smile playing around his full lips, , but her brother did not notice.


Ser Waymar Royce asked with just the hint of a smile.


Although such actions hint at a dog wishing to offer comfort, they could also be signs of curiosity, or suggest that a dog is simply distressed by seeing its master upset.

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