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 you shouldn't force a positive interpretation on every instance of suffering.


According to the reform, we can see that the test emphasis on the practical skills, logical structure part is not that important, the interpretation has occupied more portion, the trend is clearly pointing out the practical skills.


Happiness – Go for it In this long journey we call "life", everybody is in pursuit of happiness and has their own interpretation of happiness.


Fang Binggui, a folklorist based in southeast China's Fuzhou City, says the image of the zodiac Yang is open to regional interpretation.


"You lose self-awareness," she continued, referring to one interpretation of a psychological theory known as deindividuation, "and it's been shown to lessen rationality.

My definition of success

Everyone has his own interpretation as I do.


The researchers' interpretation for this is that the game relies on being able to predict the outcome.


But the festival was more of a theatrical interpretation of what it had once been.

英语名人名言: Men And Women 男女

Susan Sontag (1933 - 2004), Against Interpretation, 1966 Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition.


Sima Qian's interpretation is the more adopted one, though recent scholars also theorise that Li Sao is simply a different way of writing Lao Shang; the latter is a generic name for a Chu song.


"The interpretation of that finding is that women tend to respond more to narrative and wordplay than slapstick.

安徒生童话英文版:The Porter’s Son

" The mother was thinking of her son, and now Emily gave her own interpretation to those words.

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