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Across age groups, the two judgments were closely linked — the more attractive faces, in general, were also considered more trustworthy.


To listen to Google, Facebook and the rest is to hear corporations that have come to believe their own propaganda: as custodians of the digital future, theirs is a higher calling that should grant them immunity from the meddling of courts or the judgments of elected politicians.


A new study looked at how colors influence or biases the way consumers make ethical judgments, specifically if they view a company as environmentally friendly.


Your task is to assess all the decisions, judgments you make onto others and to begin to view them as clues to how you can heal yourself and become whole.


The new evidence means the judgments we make when we meet strangers - which is usually concluded in less than a tenth of a second - are often accurate.


'This result suggests that gender bias in creativity judgments may affect tangible economic outcomes for men and women in the workplace,' the researchers write.


For example, washing your hands is associated with moral or ethical judgments.

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You can know that you're making decisions based on facts, not personalities or snap judgments, and you can give less of your precious time to putting out fires.


They are encroaching on to the territory of newspapers and magazines by becoming journalism practitioners, hiring people to make editorial judgments about story selection and placement.


Psychologist Dr Glenn Wilson, who analyzed the results, said: "This study is interesting as it highlights the snap judgments we make as a society about people when we meet them for the first time.


Generation Z is coming to take hold of Chinese campuses, and it is expected to remake the world as we know it with new values, judgments, ways of living and a fresh outlook on the world.


" Even science depends upon the humanities to shape judgments about ethics, limits and values.


Essay-1-/: As adults, college students are responsible individuals capable of sensible and independent judgments and decisions.


As a bonus, judgments like that require inwardly directed attention, a mental habit that in our smartphone era, we'd be dumb to lose.


Scan your body up and down for sensations, simply observing, without making any judgments.


On the flip side, "negative gossip has self-promotion value, because it provides individuals with social comparison information that justifies self-promoting judgments, which results in feelings of pride.


The final selection process took three days of inspecting the beans one-by-one and making value judgments on their suitability.


Many of the snap judgments we form about people come from looking them in the eyes; shade yours, and you're instantly a more intriguing presence.


Information on personality was found to significantly alter perceived desirability, showing that cognitive processes modify judgments of attractiveness.


People also tend to trust their own judgments, but judgments could be wrong sometimes.

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