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Made of mulberry bark fibres, Chinese banknotes were first issued in the 10th century but the later Ming dynasty was the first regime to attempt the widespread replacement of coinage with paper.


Hormonal replacement therapy or additional treatment may be an option.

三星Note 7召回事件升级

In a statement posted on its website, Samsung asked users around the world to "immediately" return their existing Galaxy Note 7 and get a replacement.


On Saturday, Samsung offered new guidance to owners: Turn off your phone and bring it in for a replacement.


Samsung has said it will take just two weeks to manufacture replacement phones for customers, which could leave just enough time for Apple to bring its new iPhones to market first.


The ouster of the former Marxist guerrilla for manipulating the budget thrusts her replacement, interim president Michel Temer, into the spotlight at a time when the country is suffering what is expected to be its worst recession in over a century.


Frustration with the restructuring led the bank's staff association to declare it was facing a crisis of leadership this month and to call for the board to search for a replacement to Mr Kim.


" Give at least 2 weeks notice Again, you may not feel like you need to be loyal to this new employer, and it may be awkward to stick around after quitting days into the new gig, but one way to avoid burning bridges is to give the company some time to find a replacement.


Even if there are 8 million babies being born every year, the birthrate could reach the replacement level, and every one can live to one hundred years of age, Huang estimates the population would still only be 800 million by 2100.

纽约流行“骨汤冰棍” 防暑又健康

New York City restaurant Springbone Kitchen is one of the very hotspots that spearheaded the 'bone broth' movement, which sees health-conscious dieters sipping the warm meat-flavored soup as a meal replacement.


The British Journal of Sports Medicine looked at the problem and urged endurance athletes to ensure they get enough salt during exercise, but also warned that "electrolyte replacement will slow but not prevent the development of hyponatraemia if fluid intake is in gross excess of sweating rate".


And the minute a good roommate gets a new job or leaves Shanghai, the hunt for a replacement begins all over again.


With the replacement of veteran oil minister Ali al-Naimi this month, cementing deputy crown prince Mohammed bin Salman's control over the sector, traders are nervously watching for any sign of higher output .


The key here is that they will never be able to find a direct replacement but they can find someone new who is equally if not more worthwhile and hopefully a better match.


One person close to the team cautioned against seeing Mr Porritt as a direct replacement.

iPad Pro为何取代不了PC

For me, neither iPad is quite there as a PC replacement, although both come close for the everyday tasks of typing and research.


Tilleys also have a replacement policy that is unsurpassed, just in case the guy over 40 who found it decides to cross out your name and keep it for himself.


The British Journal of Sports Medicine looked at the problem and urged endurance athletes to ensure they get enough salt during exercise, but also warned that "electrolyte replacement will slow but not prevent the development of hyponatraemia if fluid intake is in gross excess of sweating rate".


As for Citi's fear that low oil prices will deprive all EMs of capital, Mr Schlotthauer was confident of replacement inflows, such as public-private partnerships in the infrastructure field.


Ikea plans to use packaging made with mushrooms as an eco-friendly replacement for polystyrene, the Swedish retail giant has revealed.

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