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"Google is not a car manufacturer and does not intend to become one," John Krafcik, a former Ford and Hyundai executive who runs Google's self-driving car program, said in Frankfurt.


" – Henry Ford "---"--- Either way, you are defining your own reality.


It would now be known, hesaid, as the Ford Lincoln Mercury Memorial.


Henry Ford, revolutionizing American lifestyles / ·: Born into a family of farmers, Ford worked as an engineer for the Edison Illuminating Company before resigning to form his own company.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(121)

But I kept seeing Baba on the night of my graduation, sitting in the Ford he'd just given me, smelling of beer and saying, I wish Hassan had been with us today.

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" Alan Mullally, president and CEO, Ford , "Your résumé tells a lot about what you've done.


"If you are the New York Times and you do a deal with Ford and put together a $400,000 campaign for them you can put the ads on NYTimes.


From Henry Ford, Founder of Ford Motors: "Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.


Rieke was a co-author of a report last year, supported by the Ford Foundation, that cited ZestFinance as a prime example of big data underwriting, which deploys "fringe alternative scoring models.


Within hours of each other, Ford, General Motors and BMW announced Airbnb-style schemes on Wednesday – with each manufacturer claiming to be the first to let car owners earn money by renting out their new vehicles to other drivers.


" Coke said it is working with Ford, Heinz, Nike, Procter & Gamble and SeaWorld to help those companies use more plant materials in their plastics as well.


Hybrid SUVs, like the Ford Escape, allow you to get the utility of a larger car with better fuel economy.


The Ford Motor Company who manufactures the first car in the world is a manufacturer of automotive multinational company, as well as the world's largest car company.


Amazon, then as now, would rather sell me more of what I have just bought, or the latest bestsellers, than algorithmically analyse my taste in media and identify a handful of items at the underpopulated intersection of "Bill Murray movies" and "fiction by Richard Ford".


"What is the big brass gongand hammer ford "One of his friends asked.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(91)

I pulled the Ford off to the curb, parked under a streetlight on Fremont Boulevard.

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Gerald Ford reminds wife Betty Ford of his and their family's love for her shortly after she was diagnosed with breast cancer (1974) 9.


In 1914, Henry Ford doubled the daily salary of employees and ushered in a new conception of the relationship between business and workers.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(86)

When we arrived at the Taheris' home the next evening--for lafz, the ceremony of "giving word"--I had to park the Ford across the street.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(84)

I helped Baba out of the Ford and slipped back behind the wheel.

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