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" With no price guidelines — such as a museum's "suggested donation" — the offer compels diners to gaze inward and develop ad hoc criteria, in order to look a fresh-faced server in the eye and announce the meal's value.


""(《》) Some Important Things to Know It is worth pointing out once more that you should not use aptitude alone as the criteria for choosing a career.


Most of us who run have heard that we should choose our shoes based, for the most part, on two broad technical criteria.


"Didi Kuaidi is the only company that satisfies all the criteria.


Those ratings, he asserts, rely on easily –manipulated criteria like acceptance rates (Stanford has set a new extreme in exclusiveness at 5.


According to the district government of Tongzhou, it will adopt a "point system" for migrant people in the district based on various criteria including stable employment, accommodation, social security, and duration of residency, etc.


Questioned on what the board was looking for in its next chief executive, Mr Dorsey said the search team would take as long as necessary, the candidate could come from inside or outside the company but added the one criteria they knew for sure: he or she should be a Twitter user.


This conditional love is like an acid that dissolves children's internal criteria to make their own decisions about their own colleges, majors and careers.


Here are five criteria to consider when making your next big decision: ?


What's more, the evaluation criteria for judging one individual's success should be modified so that offering a helping hand to people in need is encouraged and welcomed in our society all the time.


It is a truth universally acknowledged that the criteria of judging a person are extremely complex.

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What transforms with age are the criteria for judgment: not looks, not wealth, not the once-coveted ability to drive at night.


Smart online wallets, which calculate the best bank, card or other payment scheme for a consumer using criteria such as offers, loyalty points, interest charges and exchange rates, may be the next thing, suggests Matthew Friend, managing director and head of Accenture Payment Services in North America.


At Virgin, when we're thinking about starting a new business, we look into whether the new project meets a series of criteria before we invest any time or money into it.

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Employers were asked to rank universities against a range of criteria including their production of graduates who are ready to work and their links with business.


Do I meet at least 70% of the selection criteria?


Satisficers are those who make a decision or take action once their criteria are met.


These two criteria are crucial for your decision to leave money invested in stock funds, he says.


Other important criteria to have your perfume chosen to your desire are the approppriateness for the skin type and personal taste.


But they cannot be our only criteria for love.

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