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It's a funny, self-aware moment, given how extreme the stakes have become in this fascinating and strange pop epic.


It's a humble poem, small in scope, not the stuff of epic heartbreak, yet poignant.


Mitchell, a writer for her local Atlanta newspaper, won the Pulitzer Prize and saw her debut novel turned into a Hollywood epic.

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We care about staying safe during our travels, especially when we take our epic adventures solo.


All Adam Harteau and his wife, Emily, wanted to do was take an epic 23,000-mile, 20-country road trip to the southernmost tip of South America and back.


Also with six nominations was Richard Linklater's coming-of-age epic "Boyhood," which remains the best-picture favorite.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(17)

Hassan's favorite book by far was the _Shahnamah_, the tenth-century epic of ancient Persian heroes.


Maybe your flight is cancelled or it rains the day you're scheduled to go on an epic outdoor adventure.


) The participant most familiar to frequent festivalgoers is the director, Chen Shi-Zheng, a regular at the festival, having staged the epic opera "The Peony Pavilion" in 1999, in addition to three other shows.


Some love stories aren't epic novels.

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It planned a number of new releases in the coming months such as Golden Era, a film about China writers in the 1920s scheduled for release in October, and The Taking of Tiger Mountain, a 3D epic.


Plenty of literature deals with the subject, from the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamish to the poems of Homer and the writings of the Old Testament.


Philip Hodgetts, who follows the industry for Creative Planet, says Avid has an epic fight on its hands from newer, lower-cost alternatives.


Narrative history often paints individual lives with too epic a sweep.


" Watson had a busy film career during her time as a student, releasing both parts of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, This is the End, and the recent Biblical epic Noah.


The Sopranos: A mob drama with little of the glamour we've come to associate with the genre; a deeply psychological study of a man whose lack of self-knowledge was epic: this was The Sopranos, a series that began with ducks in a pool, ended with a family pizza dinner, and in between changed our very conception of what TV drama could do.

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