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In 2006, Cooper published a study that analyzed 15 years' worth of data on the effectiveness of homework.


They analyzed the personalities and productivity levels of students at the University of New South Wales in laboratory conditions, and analyzed a host of academic reports on personality and wages.


Scientists analyzed data from people paying a membership fee on CalorieKing.

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A study published this month analyzed 46 beverages — both with and without sugar — sold in supermarkets alongside bottled water.


" For the study, the researchers analyzed variations in the stripes seen in plains zebras at 16 sites in Africa.


The ratings were then analyzed and the results found that make-up accounted for just two per cent variation in what or was not deemed attractive, while the woman's general attractiveness, features or identity was much more important, accounting for 69 per cent.

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"What concerns me," she said in an interview, "is the potential for keeping people's assessments and scores in ways that have a much more lasting effect, can be merged, and then analyzed and propagated in ways that aren't accountable.


He analyzed Ma Chao's situation and laid a trap for him.


They analyzed data about well-being from two national surveys in the United Kingdom and the Gallup World Poll.


Then, after about three months, researchers analyzed whether their weight and their concerns had changed.

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The researchers, from Rush University in Chicago, analyzed 14 years of data provided by more than 2,755 women in their 40s, 50s and 60s.


People don't want to be analyzed and marketed to--they want brands to understand what they want and need.


Researchers analyzed reports involving energy drink problems among children from the National Poison Data System, which compiles information on calls to 55 Poison Control Centers throughout the United States.

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" To form the rankings, CareerBliss analyzed more than 25,000 independent company reviews to determine from which jobs people derive the most happiness.


The McGill researchers, working with colleagues from the University of Pennsylvania, analyzed tens of thousands of measurements made by ships and robotic floats in the ocean around Antarctica over a 60-year period.


Writing in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Baker, Guoqing Hu and colleagues said they analyzed publicly available death certificate data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


"We have analyzed big data, including the age, vocation, and geographic distribution collected from over 80 million fans of the micro movie four years ago," says Wei Ming, head of Youku.

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" Tosca and his team analyzed salt deposits in the 4-billion-year-old Martian rock investigated by Opportunity.


Does not overanalyze negative points, but instead looks for the positive points in the subject being analyzed.

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