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麦当劳危机 需要洗心革面

Expanding the number of drive-thru windows, which accounts for 70% of its business, and the current weird campaign about "showing love" do not address the deeper problems in food quality, operations, and image.

大蒜味可乐 日本暗黑料理新成员

Over the years, we've seen a lot of weird food and drink come out of Japan, and as of January 9, there has been a new addition to that list.


These days it seems that giving your baby some ridiculously weird name has become the norm.


My chin is crooked, my eyes don't line up, and there's a weird bay in my hairline on my left forehead.


Take a country full of people who frequently loathe each other, then impose a social system of extreme politeness to ensure nobody can ever say what they mean without offending somebody else – and you'll start to understand why these British insults are so unnecessarily weird.


As the science can't explain everything, still there are a lot of weird phenomenon remain people to research, some people believe there is other space besides the earth.


iPhone I formerly had an Android device (even though I have had a MacBook since 2009 – weird, I know).

日本网友买扇贝小吃 喜获珍珠

He wrote in Japanese: "I thought, 'Oh man there's something weird in here, but it turned out to be a pearl.


According to the report, the man was caught in part because of his "weird walking posture.


It's funny because: Surrealism is an movement all about creating weird illogical art.

10个小妙招 帮你赶走失眠

De-Clutter Your Sleep Space Neatening up your bed covers and bookshelves or putting away laundry piles or other ordinary bedroom clutter has the weird effect of also de-cluttering your brain.

丢失钱包18年 分文未少归原主

The fact that everything was intact and it was found in a supermarket, that's weird.

高空的浪漫 美国夫妇的热气球婚礼

'I'm sure a lot of them thought we were weird for doing it, but I think after everyone watched the video they agreed that it was a pretty cool idea.


That's weird.


The little and large act met as people across the globe tried to break all manner of weird and wacky world records, including banging heads, catching spears and throwing thongs on Guiness World Records Day.


"Instead of buying a waffle iron and one of those weird egg things they make, and five different sizes of pans and three different sizes of pots, it makes more sense to me to buy three or four pots and pans that are versatile," he says.


Age differences can bring out weird behavior in people.

英国人也怕英语 半数不会拼常用词

Also on the top 50 everyday words Brits struggle with were the words 'definite', 'separate' and 'weird'.


" But no one seemed to notice, , which I thought was pretty weird.


Dear Annie:I have a weird problem that I hope you can help me with.

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