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No sooner had Lydgate begun to represent this step to himself as the easiest than there was a reaction of anger that he—he who had long ago determined to live aloof from such abject calculations, such self-interested anxiety about the inclinations and the pockets of men with whom he had been proud to have no aims in common—should have fallen not simply to their level, but to the level of soliciting them.

迷人四月天:Chapter 16

It would be as abject as begging the very microbe that was infecting one for protection against its disease.


And now, veteran that he was of his country's strenuous times, he had been reduced to abject surrender by a woman's soft eyes and smiling lips.


On the contrary, he thought he had scaled her side as noiseless as a mouse; and he was amazed to see the pirates cowering from him, with Hook in their midst as abject as if he had heard the crocodile.


To avoid the abject misery of getting soaked, it features a waterproof hood and large flying saucer-style shield across your shoulders to protect you from raindrops.


In the great everyday saga of getting dressed, the right shoe can make the difference between abject discomfort and a sense of pure infallibility.


"For the writers of the Renaissance, the medieval was the abject other from which the rebirth of classical learning had liberated them, while the Victorians found in the Middle Ages archetypical structures of Empire and class-orientated chivalry.


Yet this high demand to work and live in Britain's capital only makes more abject its failure to provide sufficient space.

12306系统问题频出 外媒称让马云接手

By any reasonable standard, 12306's design is an abject failure, and the site would have gone out of business long ago if it did not have a monopoly on sales of one of the most popular products in China.


England were abject in Euro 2000 and the FA decided to resolve the problem by spending £5million a year on whoever was the most attractive manager was on the market, while the Premier League nonchalantly kept counting its cash.

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