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With a lighter red it can brighten the acidity, enhance the structure and show off more floral aromatics.


Even instant oatmeal with raisins is "legal" because the oatmeal absorbs the acidity of the raisins.


Why it makes you feel worse: Orange juice's tart acidity is usually refreshing.


However, they also increase mouth acidity which erodes dental enamel - the tooth's hard protective coating.


The rare fruit has "a good acidity and rich sweetness" according to Nara.


" Grown in the Japanese city of Nara, near Osaka, Kotoka strawberries are considered rare fruit, and are famous for their "good acidity and rich sweetness".


Blue cheese can be wrapped in foil, but remember to change the foil every few days as acidity will attack the foil.


Tiny channels collect perspiration and route it to different compartments where it interacts with chemicals that change color to reflect sweat loss, the perspiration's acidity level, and concentrations of glucose and lactate.


" Conditions in bogs -- low temperatures, high levels of acidity and minimal oxygen -- make them effective refrigerators, the museum said.


If you drink lemon water on a regular basis, it will decrease the acidity in your body, which is where disease states occur.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(124)

The mere thought of adding acidity to my stomach stirred more nausea.


Regardless of the chocolate itself, the wines that go with it best share two particular characteristics: They are intensely sweet, and they have good acidity, a quality that, despite the sweetness, lifts the wine and refreshes the palate, leaving you ready and eager to eat even more chocolate.


"As with wine, slight and long-term access to oxygen (in a controlled temperature setting) helps soften the tannins of chocolate and rounds out the acidity.


This warning also helps to clarify that it might be wise to think twice before trying one of these sauces at home: ,: "After touching or handling hot peppers always remember to wash your hands with a product containing acidity such as lime or lemon juice.

火星上水太咸 可能无生命

Not all of Earth's waters are able to support life, and the limits of terrestrial life are sharply defined by water's temperature, acidity and salinity.


Because acidity disrupts the body's chemistry, the hormones needed to convert fat into fuel also fail to function properly, so the obesity persists no matter how healthy your diet becomes.


"This level of acidity will get much more extreme in the future if we continue releasing CO2 into the atmosphere," said Dr Caldeira.

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