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You can easily see at a glance which one is likely to yield a better rate of return to decide where the best place is to allocate your money.


It would be more beneficial and practical for you to allocate your time to what's important to you as of the moment and avoid disappointing someone else.


The classification matters primarily because of index providers such as MSCI and JPMorgan that have a major influence over how international portfolio investors allocate their money.


The collection of emerging market stock and bond indices that have grown up over the past three decades influence how fund managers in the west allocate their money.

019年春运火车票开抢 将新增一项功能

The new function will automatically allocate canceled train tickets to other buyers who have paid in advance when tickets are sold out.

2019年春运火车票开抢 将新增一项功能

The new function will automatically allocate canceled train tickets to other buyers who have paid in advance when tickets are sold out.


"Their brains are trying to allocate resources to the most pressing problems.


It's impossible to allocate salaries with perfect fairness, and revealing yours gives your coworkers a direct measure of comparison.


To encourage program fellows to stay in rural schools, the foundation has pledged to provide online and offline refresher courses, and allocate mentors to advise on teaching and career development.


It's impossible to allocate salaries with perfect fairness, and revealing yours gives your coworkers a direct measure of comparison.


According to a blueprint released by Chinese authorities in 2016, the country has promised to allocate 2.


" The province plans to allocate 1 billion yuan ($144.


The province plans to allocate 1 billion yuan ($144.


And where should we allocate legal responsibilities?

中国人口发展规划 2030年达到14.5亿人

The government will improve the policy adjustment mechanism for child birth, allocate public service resources rationally, improve development and support systems for families to achieve a suitable fertility rate, it said.


If you start out with a population of, say, 20 per cent men and 80 per cent women and then want to create work teams, do not allocate people proportionally, she writes.


The program was launched on a pilot basis to address malnutrition in rural areas, and the government began to allocate three yuan (0.


If you start out with a population of, say, 20 per cent men and 80 per cent women and then want to create work teams, do not allocate people proportionally, she writes.


Although most of the BEPS eps reforms were announced last October, some contentious issues remain to be decided on, including how to allocate taxable profits between countries.


Even if Apple has no official plans to produce such a product, Munster told the WSJ that Apple will still allocate resources to the technology "just to hedge their bets," and that he thinks Apple has a small team of people working on AR.

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