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Resistance to unjust dispraise had mingled with her feeling for him from the very first, and now in the rebound of her heart after her anguish the resistance was stronger than ever.


If Dorothea, after her night's anguish, had not taken that walk to Rosamond—why, she perhaps would have been a woman who gained a higher character for discretion, but it would certainly not have been as well for those three who were on one hearth in Lydgate's house at half-past seven that evening.


The limit of resistance was reached, and she had sunk back helpless within the clutch of inescapable anguish.


But now that he imagined the moment of her knowledge come, he awaited the result in anguish.


Foreseeing, to men of Bulstrode's anxious temperament, is often worse than seeing; and his imagination continually heightened the anguish of an imminent disgrace.


It was an hour of anguish for him very different from the hours in which his struggle had been securely private, and which had ended with a sense that his secret misdeeds were pardoned and his services accepted.


He for his part had tossed away all cheap inventions where ignorance finds itself able and at ease: he was enamoured of that arduous invention which is the very eye of research, provisionally framing its object and correcting it to more and more exactness of relation; he wanted to pierce the obscurity of those minute processes which prepare human misery and joy, those invisible thoroughfares which are the first lurking-places of anguish, mania, and crime, that delicate poise and transition which


If in the loneliness of his studio he wrestled desperately with the Angel of the Lord he never allowed a soul to divine his anguish.


Something impelled him to go to the studio, some obscure desire for self-torture, and yet he dreaded the anguish that he foresaw.


Oh, if you knew the frightful anguish in my heart.


Whatever anguish she suffered she concealed.


I could not decide whether she desired the return of her husband because she loved him, or because she dreaded the tongue of scandal; and I was perturbed by the suspicion that the anguish of love contemned was alloyed in her broken heart with the pangs, sordid to my young mind, of wounded vanity.


" pleaded the poor Mole, in anguish of heart.


" "Nothing but what the recipe said, Marilla," cried Anne with a look of anguish.


When night fell and she had undressed and got into bed, the merciful numbness passed away and she lay in anguish and thought of her island under the stars.


She didn't know what torrent of wild incoherences and passionate anguish might pour out.


" "Why suffer that ceaseless anguish?


When he died, oh, Valancy, I thought I must die too—I didn't see how anybody could endure such anguish and live.


" Becky clung to his side in an anguish of fear, and tried hard to keep back the tears, but they would come.


Then there was a wild yelp of agony and the poodle went sailing up the aisle; the yelps continued, and so did the dog; he crossed the house in front of the altar; he flew down the other aisle; he crossed before the doors; he clamored up the home-stretch; his anguish grew with his progress, till presently he was but a woolly comet moving in its orbit with the gleam and the speed of light.

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