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Under Guan Zhong,Qi shifted administrative responsibilities from hereditary aristocrats to professional bureaucrats.


Rare pictures have been released showing the ancient sex toys that once belonged to the Chinese royals and aristocrats.


Professionals coined the phrase "stuck-up" to refer from the belief that those with upturned noses had an air of superiority, "high-brow" to refer to the high foreheads of aristocrats and "low-brow" to the less refined foreheads of the lower classes.


Literary aristocrats and ideological foes, Vidal and Buckley attracted millions of viewers to what, at the time, was a highly irregular experiment: the spectacle of two brilliant minds slugging it out — once, almost literally — on live television.


Cul-de-sac This expression was originated in England by French-speaking aristocrats.

三万元遗产 The $30,000 Bequest(7)

But no, along comes a pair a real aristocrats from Europe, and straightway you throw over the half-breeds.

英语名人名言:Art 艺术

It was always for patrons, aristocrats, and royalty.

An Old Church Bell

His eyes were as clear as a lake, and luckily, he could go to a military academy, where most of the students were aristocrats, without paying any tuition.

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