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"If, as I have, you also doe, Vertue attired in woman see, And dare love that, and say so too, And forget the He and She; And if this love, though placed so, From prophane men you hide, Which will no faith on this bestow, Or, if they doe, deride: Then you have done a braver thing Than all the Worthies did, And a braver thence will spring, Which is, to keep that hid.


When Prissy Andrews, attired in a new pink-silk waist with a string of pearls about her smooth white throat and real carnations in her hair—rumor whispered that the master had sent all the way to town for them for her—"climbed the slimy ladder, dark without one ray of light," Anne shivered in luxurious sympathy; when the choir sang "Far Above the Gentle Daisies" Anne gazed at the ceiling as if it were frescoed with angels; when Sam Sloane proceeded to explain and illustrate "How Sockery Set a He


In the porch she found a crowd of little girls, all more or less gaily attired in whites and blues and pinks, and all staring with curious eyes at this stranger in their midst, with her extraordinary head adornment.


When the electrics are shining and the pavements are alive with two hurrying streams of elegantly clothed men and beautiful women attired in the costliest costumes that wind in and out in a close maze of expensively—" "Never knew but one case in Topaz City," said the man from the West.


Picasso's work is a vibrant, multi-hued painting featuring a scantily attired woman amid smaller nudes.


There was once a widowed washerwoman with three daughters All four of them worked their fingers to the bone washing, but they still went hungry One day the oldest daughter said to her mother, "I intend to leave home, even if I have to go and work for the Devil" "Don't talk like that, daughter," replied the mother "Goodness knows what might happen to you" Not many days afterward, they received a visit from a gentleman attired in black He was the height of courtesy and had a silver nose "


In any case plot is merely the scaffolding on which to hang a series of lavishly staged divertissements involving elaborate juggling acts and contortionists attired in bright costumes, hurtling themselves around the stage with irrepressible energy (if occasionally dicey precision).

安徒生童话英文版:The Days of the Week

Sunday, foreman of the days of the week, appeared in a black silk cloak; pious people thought he was dressed for church in a minister's gown, but the worldly minded saw that he was attired in a domino for merriment and that the flashing carnation he wore in his buttonhole was a little red theater lantern on which it said, "All sold our; see now that you enjoy yourselves!

安徒生童话英文版:The Porter’s Son

Her mother had worn a bright red dress, with black lace, in the Spanish style; the daughter had been attired in white, fair and delicate; green silk ribbons fluttered like flag-leaves among her yellow locks, and on her head she wore a wreath of water-lillies.

安徒生童话英文版:Beauty of Form and Beauty of Mind

Mamma-in-law had set up Thorwalsden's bust at the end of the table, attired in a dressing-gown; it was her fancy that he should be a guest.

安徒生童话英文版:The Metal Pig

" The dog never went out in winter, unless she was attired in a little lambskin coat which had been made for her; it was fastened round the little dog's neck and body with red ribbons, and was decorated with rosettes and little bells.

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