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Brooke, who had before heard only imperfect hints of it, and was very uneasy that he had "gone a little too far" in countenancing Bulstrode, now got himself fully informed, and felt some benevolent sadness in talking to Mr.


Bulstrode seems the most unsympathetic fellow I ever saw about some people, and yet he has taken no end of trouble, and spent a great deal of money, on benevolent objects.


I contemplate at least a temporary withdrawal from the management of much business, whether benevolent or commercial.


He begged her to do him the honor to take a seat, and stood before her trimming and comporting himself with an eager solicitude, which was chiefly benevolent.


Brooke's pen was a thinking organ, evolving sentences, especially of a benevolent kind, before the rest of his mind could well overtake them.


When she made remarks to this edifying effect, she had a firm little frown on her brow, which yet did not hinder her face from looking benevolent, and her words which came forth like a procession were uttered in a fervid agreeable contralto.


Brooke's conclusions were as difficult to predict as the weather: it was only safe to say that he would act with benevolent intentions, and that he would spend as little money as possible in carrying them out.

迷人四月天:Chapter 18

Fisher from her shell; and here she was at last, as Lotty had predicted, pleased, good-humoured and benevolent.


Spencer lived in a big yellow house at White Sands Cove, and she came to the door with surprise and welcome mingled on her benevolent face.


:For naysayers who point to the Former Soviet Union as proof that communism is inherently flawed, may we merely direct your attention to Smurf Village, where everyone shares everything, wears similar utilitarian clothing, battles Gargamel and his turn-Smurfs-to-gold get rich quick schemes and obeys the dictates of a bearded, red hat-wearing, benevolent authority figure.


It was Christmas and the judge was in a benevolent mood as he questioned the prisoner.


Benevolent has built a computer "engine" capable of reading and mapping such data and extracting relevant information, highlighting "conceptual hypotheses" in one field that can be applied to another.


Popular remarks of Confucius include " a benevolent person is one who cares for others","I would die to keep my integrity and benevolence", and "a benevolent person helps others to achieve aims he himself also aspires to".


A simple game illustrates why it is pointless to want more than that, unless you have an unusual reason to do so (like a passion for a particular benevolent cause or a burning desire to fly to the moon).


It would be easy to conclude that the Olympic "movement" has lost its way since the time of Coubertin's lofty vision, but that, as Goldblatt demonstrates, would be to rewrite history, since the idea of a clean and easy way to achieve peace through sport was a benevolent myth in the first place.


Early Shopper It was Christmas and the judge was in a benevolent mood as he questioned the prisoner.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(200)

There is a God, there has to be, and now I will pray, I will pray that He forgive that I have neglected Him all of these years, forgive that I have betrayed, lied, and sinned with impunity only to turn to Him now in my hour of need, I pray that He is as merciful, benevolent, and gracious as His book says He is.


If some benevolent patron had paid you a modest sum — a few pounds a day, perhaps — for keeping your resolution throughout January, would that have helped you keep fit now that January is behind us?


We've seen benevolent employers in the past – earlier this year, we wrote about Li Jinyuan, Chinese billionaire and chairman of Tiens Group, who took 6,400 of his workers on vacation to France, spending a whopping 33million euro on the trip.


People who hold a more benevolent view of human nature, in contrast, are more likely to benefit from joining forces with others, he said.

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