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离别 Parting Sorrows

I was seized with violent emotion, tears welling up in my eyes and blurring my eyeglasses.

iPhone XR测评:适合我们大多数人的实惠机型

Yet the XR can still produce very satisfying photos of people using portrait mode, also known as the bokeh effect, which puts the picture's main subject in sharp focus while gently blurring the background.


Researcher Dr Juliet Jain said smartphones and mobile internet access had caused a "blurring of boundaries" between work and home life -- and this now applied to the journey to work.


"This is an alarming trend," the authors write, "because those filtered selfies often present an unattainable look and are blurring the line of reality and fantasy for these patients.


" Online beauty stars form an enormous industry in China, with internet celebrities known as "wang hong", or online stars, blurring the line between entertainment and e-commerce.


" Online beauty stars form an enormous industry in China, with internet celebrities known as "wang hong", or online stars, blurring the line between entertainment and e-commerce.


Gender lines are blurring and fashion is increasingly androgynous, and men wearing modest heels is just, well, a sign of the times.


Today the lines are blurring.


Tuck your elbows closely into your sides to keep the camera as stable as possible and avoid blurring.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(166)

I heard voices on the street, some shouting, and saw trees blurring past in the window Sohrab was sobbing.


The Double Life of Liliane by Lily Tuck ·《》 Lily Tuck's latest novel isn't exactly a memoir, but it sits somewhere between novel and autobiography, blurring the lines between related memory and imagined possible scenarios.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(103)

The bustle of the city blurring past me reminded me of a busier, more crowded version of the Kabul I knew, particularly of the KochehMorgha, or Chicken Bazaar, where Hassan and I used to buy chutney-dipped potatoes and cherry water.

君子有怒 发之有道

In the heat of the moment, says Konnikova: "We find the line between an appropriate response and one that needs a cooling-off period blurring.


She gives the character more depth by blurring the lines between good and evil.


With blurring work-home boundaries, the rise of social media and our 24/7 lifestyle, it's harder than ever to find and maintain personal presence on the job, on weekends and online.


It's one more example -- along with music recording and graphic design -- of the way cheap computers are blurring the distinction between professional and amateur tools.

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