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Lydgate's opinion was not on the side of promise that this prayer would be fulfilled; and as the day advanced, Bulstrode felt himself getting irritated at the persistent life in this man, whom he would fain have seen sinking into the silence of death: imperious will stirred murderous impulses towards this brute life, over which will, by itself, had no power.


Am I such an unreasonable, furious brute?


"I wish you would fasten up my plaits, dear," said Rosamond, letting her arms fall with a little sigh, so as to make a husband ashamed of standing there like a brute.


His father, being at the warehouse, did not yet know of the accident: when he did, he would storm about the vicious brute being brought into his stable; and before meeting that lesser annoyance Fred wanted to get away with all his courage to face the greater.


Why, you never threw your leg across a finer horse than that chestnut, and you gave him for this brute.


MacAndrew shared the common opinion of her sex that a man is always a brute to leave a woman who is attached to him, but that a woman is much to blame if he does.


" Her voice trembled a little, and I felt a brute even to hesitate.


"Badger," said the Rat, "I feel like a brute; I wonder what you feel like?


But I felt a brute all the time, as it was clear to me they were very unhappy, though they tried to hide it.


"Brain against brute force—and brain came out on the top—as it's bound to do.


"And now, Henry," said Miss Tilney, "that you have made us understand each other, you may as well make Miss Morland understand yourself—unless you mean to have her think you intolerably rude to your sister, and a great brute in your opinion of women in general.

迷人四月天:Chapter 15

What a brute she had been to him when he wanted to take her himself to Italy.


"I want Peter Pan, who first gave the brute its taste for me.


He came rushing into the nursery with the crumpled little brute of a tie in his hand.

英语美文:Experiencing Scotland 体验苏格兰风情

The games, which have strange rules, involve a spirit that has more to do with brute force than with athletics.


The brute had made a loop of itself round the Dawn Treader and was beginning to draw the loop tight.


"Of course, the brute had a mate and it's lying beside me.


: "I had to apologize or the dangerous little brute would have been at me with his sword.


,(,)l,, "That little brute has half killed me.


Computer chess programs had been making steady progress for years, using brute number-crunching to try to anticipate all possible future moves and calculate the best one available.

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