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Although reductions in waist size -- a sign of a potentially harmful midriff bulge -- were small, they were greater among those who ate slowly or at normal speed, the study found.


Nutritionist Sarah Flower shares her top secret tips on how to eliminate the bulge and become a healthier, fitter, and slimmer you.


Nutritionist Sarah Flower shares her top secret tips on how to eliminate the bulge and become a healthier, fitter, and slimmer you.


It had sunk deeply into his scaly flesh and there was a throbbing bulge on each side of it.


"[It] can squeeze the discs in the spine, [and] eventually can cause discs to bulge, pressing on nerves and causing back pain, potentially leading to disc herniation.

苹果推iPhone6s电池盒 延长续航至25小时

And rather then mimicking the slick, thin design of the phone and other Apple products, it packs the battery in a bulge on the back.


Businesses that treat me as a boomer will vex me with advertisements for products intended for grumpy pensioners (the oldest members of the postwar birth bulge are now in their late 60s), while those that market to me as a Gen Xer will annoy me by assuming I have something in common with overambitious 30-somethings.


Battle of "The Bulge" "" While it's true that support garments count as underwear, I thought the scourge of the Spanx deserved its own entry.


The effect this has, is that that the tidal bulge caused by the Moon is actually pulled ahead of the Moon by the Earth's faster rotation.


"European countries are concerned about aging populations as is Japan, but this is much less of an issue than the huge bulge of people which we are going to see over the next 40 years when the population goes from 7 billion to 9 billion people," she said.

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