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"Boro the Caterpillar", the 14-minute anime short written by Miyazaki, is Miyazaki's first direction since "The Wind Rises" in 2013 and the 10th original anime short to be screened exclusively in the museum.


The four-story Spheres structure from the outside looks like three connected glass orbs planted into the ground in a caterpillar shape.

毛毛虫能吃塑料袋 或成解决塑料污染

A caterpillar that munches on plastic bags could hold the key to tackling plastic pollution, scientists say.


China's construction equipment makers are ramping up the competition against global leaders such as Caterpillar, Komatsu and Deere and appear set to discount products to build market share, a new study has found.


As employees trooped into work they would walk over doormats exhorting: "Kill Caterpillar!


"Will a caterpillar ever be able to reach the other side of the sea?


Like a caterpillar or butterfly , she was beautiful and amazing when you looked closely .

安徒生童话英文版:The Toad

" "I know that," said the Caterpillar, on the leaf, "my leaf is the largest here.

安徒生童话英文版:The Beetle Who Went on His Travels

" Then he went on, and under the shadow of a large haystack he found a caterpillar crawling along.

爱丽丝漫游奇境记-3 和毛虫的谈话

3 Conversation with a caterpillar 'Now,'Alice said to herself.

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