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Ordinarily one could find half a dozen bits of candle stuck around in the crevices of this vestibule, left there by tourists; but there were none now.


Every few steps other lofty and still narrower crevices branched from it on either hand—for McDougal's cave was but a vast labyrinth of crooked aisles that ran into each other and out again and led nowhere.


I began to play with it as a toy and became fascinated by the fact that I could reflect light into dark places where the sun would never shine---in deep holes and crevices and dark closets.


Sleep on your back When you sleep on your side or stomach, you bury your face into the pillow, "pressing in" wrinkles and crevices.

Touch Me 抚摸我

Feel the cold, glass-like smoothness and the crevices and lines that make me what I am.


Grab your compressed air, give it a quick burst away from the laptop to get rid of any condensation, then start blowing air into any cracks and crevices: the keyboard, the vents and even the USB ports.


That way you keep things moving and grooving in your mouth and then bacteria can't camp out in the crevices of your teeth.


Around the nicest green meads, where the deer were playing in the grass, grew magnificent oaks and beeches; and if the bark of one of the trees was cracked, there grass and long creeping plants grew in the crevices.


That way you keep things moving and grooving in your mouth and then bacteria can't camp out in the crevices of your teeth.


'Our saliva is a natural antiseptic and it plays a crucial role in breaking down food particles trapped within dental crevices, protecting teeth from bacterial decay.

the BELL钟声

Around the nicest GREen meads, where the deer were playing in the grass, grew magnificent oaks and beeches; and if the bark of one of the trees was cracked, there grass and long creeping plants grew in the crevices.


Another option is to buy a specialized air compressor like the DataVac Electric Duster, which lists for $100 and comes with all sorts of little attachments for cleaning out your devices' crevices and seams.

安徒生童话英文版:The Story of the Wind

I rattled the broken windows, beat against the old rotten doors, and whistled through cracks and crevices, so that Mr.

安徒生童话英文版:The Marsh King’s Daughter

Then she brought the heaviest stones that she could carry, and laid them over the dead body, filling up the crevices with moss, till she thought she had fenced in his resting-place strongly enough.

安徒生童话英文版:Under the Willow-Tree

Inside these walls the ropemaker twisted his ropes along a walk built like a gallery, and in the cracks and crevices of the walls elderbushes grow and stretch their green boughs over the small houses which stand below.

安徒生童话英文版:The Snow Queen-Fifth Story

Ravens and crows flew in and out of the holes and crevices, while great bulldogs, either of which looked as if it could swallow a man, were jumping about; but they were not allowed to bark.

安徒生童话英文版-2 Little Claus and Big Claus(1835)

The shutters outside the windows were closed, but lights shone through the crevices at the top.

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