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By this he obtained a calcareous soap, easy to decompose by sulphuric acid, which precipitated the lime into the state of sulphate, and liberated the fatty acids.


it would eventually be covered up and decompose into the soil," the Man said.


The new polyester composite material can decompose in seawater over a period ranging from a few days to several hundred days, leaving small molecules that cause no pollution, said Wang Gexia, a senior engineer at the Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.


Now, the roaches can not only decompose the waste leaving little residue, but also turn it into something useful.


" Mixed reactions The skin of the rooftop bubbles would be created from ETFE, an extremely durable, lightweight material that will not decompose over time.

毛毛虫能吃塑料袋 或成解决塑料污染

The plastic is used to make shopping bags and food packaging, among other things, but it can take hundreds of years to decompose completely.


" Douglas Coupland, Bit Rot •《》 Canadian writer, designer and artist Coupland names his new collection of stories and essays for a digital archiving term describing how files can spontaneously decompose.


" While polystyrene takes thousands of years to decompose, mycelium packaging can be disposed of simply by throwing it in the garden where it will biodegrade naturally within a few weeks.


Pig urine plates The Problem: Many disposable plates and utensils are plastic, which is produced with fossil fuels and does not decompose easily.

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