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Maggie actually forgot that she had any special cause of sadness this morning, as she stood on a chair to look at a remarkable series of pictures representing the Prodigal Son in the costume of Sir Charles Grandison, except that, as might have been expected from his defective moral character, he had not, like that accomplished hero, the taste and strength of mind to dispense with a wig.


Her explanation, defective only in being—from her irritation of nerves and shortness of breath—no explanation at all, was instantly given.

迷人四月天:Chapter 9

She had not come away from these friends, these conversable ripe friends, in order to spend her time in Italy chatting with three persons of another generation and defective experience; she had come away merely to avoid the treacheries of a London April.


I remember one of my undergraduate history professors telling us the story of a slave cracking a perfectly healthy pig in the head with a rock until the animal looked defective so that his master would reject it, allowing the slave to keep it for a personal family feast.

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It is a curious jumble of items: desk lamps, a Volvo S80, boring bookcases, a circular saw, 22 plastic stacking chairs, five broken Dyson vacuum cleaners and a defective photocopier (price: ?


" The International Olympic Committee and Rio organizers are planning a system to replace the medals for those who are unsatisfied with the defective medals, Andrada said.


Parliament has ruled that inherited DNA in the mitochondria can be replaced if they are defective and the cause of devastating diseases that are passed down from mothers to their children.


It also claims Samsung "has moved aggressively to collect and destroy all evidence of the defective machines" after they exploded.


Gene therapy, which involves inserting copies of missing or defective genes into a patient, usually using a virus as a carrier, was nearly derailed at the turn of the millennium , when a child with a severe immune disorder developed leukaemia as a direct result of the treatment.


"It's painful because you're suggesting that your partner isn't good enough or that they're less than or defective.


Its vaunted democratic political system is paralyzed—so dysfunctional that, earlier this year, a Justice of the Supreme Court drew open laughter when he suggested that Congress might act to fix a defective statute.


:recall defective products :In accordance with the national Regulations on Recalls of Defective Automobile Products, a recall plan was submitted to the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the PRC (AQSIQ).


:recall defective products :In accordance with the national Regulations on Recalls of Defective Automobile Products, a recall plan was submitted to the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the PRC (AQSIQ).

格林童话英文版:The True Sweetheart

" She went through all the rooms, and examined every cornerto see if anything was wanting or defective; but she could discover nothing.

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