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If you fear you'll go to prison rather than college because of the color of your skin, or that your family will be deported because of your legal status, or that you may be a victim of violence because of your religion, sexual orientation or gender identity, then it's difficult to reach your full potential.


Approximately 400 parents have been deported without their children.

新西兰代总理敦促澳大利亚换国旗 你们是抄袭的!

Australia has deported hundreds of New Zealanders in recent years, but the incident involving the 17-year-old boy marked a low point in relations between firm allies, according to some analysts.

瑞典女大学生阻止飞机起飞 只为救下阿富汗难民

A Swedish woman live-streamed her dramatic efforts to stop an asylum seeker from being deported to Afghanistan, refusing to sit down as their flight prepared to leave and leading authorities to escort both her and the man from the plane.


Tourists have been arrested for mistreating Buddhist images and artifacts while taking photos, while one woman was reportedly arrested and deported for having a tattoo of Buddha.


Kennedy, killed weeks earlier, suggesting that Vidal be deported to Vietnam.


During the voyage, he was terribly seasick and deported back to his home ahead of time.

英语小说:Between Rounds

"By the deported snakes!

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