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From his earliest employment as an errand-boy in a seaport, he had looked through the windows of the moneychangers as other boys look through the windows of the pastry-cooks; the fascination had wrought itself gradually into a deep special passion; he meant, when he had property, to do many things, one of them being to marry a genteel young person; but these were all accidents and joys that imagination could dispense with.


" One of the facts quickly rumored was that Lydgate did not dispense drugs.


And when he had seen Dorothea he believed that he had found even more than he demanded: she might really be such a helpmate to him as would enable him to dispense with a hired secretary, an aid which Mr.


Robots that dispense just the right amount of feed.

冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第63期:第四章 艾德 (13)

At times he even sat upon the Iron Throne to dispense king's justice, when the king was absent, or sick, or otherwise indisposed.


The mirror's display will then play videos and dispense information on how to get to your goal weight.


when college graduates put on those awkward gowns and head off to commencement, where they sit in the sweltering sun or a stuffy stadium, waiting to grab their diplomas and meet up with their families while half-listening to distinguished speakers dispense timeless wisdom and advice.


Remember the basics Even if the promised age of artificial intelligence does arrive, experts say we cannot afford to dispense with hard cognitive skills such as reading, writing and mathematics.


It is also a practical matter, as many of the country's banks no longer accept or dispense cash.

Never Sell your Soul

The purpose of a commencement speaker is to dispense wisdom.


"It was pretty much a case of hubris to imagine that we could dispense with any part of the genome — as if we knew enough to say it wasn't functional.


The servants' bells at "Downton Abbey" will soon ring for their last time, the dowager countess will dispense her final piece of tart-tongued advice, and the story of the changing fortunes of the Crawley family will come to a conclusion.


But as a foreign correspondent for nearly two decades who has always sought to write fairly and dispassionately, I dispense with objectivity for a moment and attempt an ode to what the Malaysians rightly call the king of fruits.


" Some schools dispense with the play-date and just meet with families individually.

安徒生童话英文版:The Rags

one prefers to dispense with flat alewhere the fresh spring bubbles, and here it is a well whichis not bored, not gossipped into European fame by newspa- pers and authors' travels in foreign countries.

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