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Minchin that his religious sympathies were of a general kind, and such as gave a distant medical sanction to all serious sentiment, whether of Church or Dissent, rather than any adhesion to particular tenets.


The small boys wore excellent corduroy, the girls went out as tidy servants, or did a little straw-plaiting at home: no looms here, no Dissent; and though the public disposition was rather towards laying by money than towards spirituality, there was not much vice.

迷人四月天:Chapter 21

—that he must have come out by the same train as Arbuthnot, and when Briggs, who said nothing, wriggled in apparent dissent, he undertook to prove it to him, and did prove it to him in long clear sentences.


To voice their dissent against the increased costs, Christmas markets in several cities including Hanover, Dresden, Leipzig, Erfurt, Goslar, Magdeburg, Rostock, and Quedlinburg, have chosen to remain silent.


She was surprised to hear Tom dissent.


Asked at the summit's closing press conference whether any leaders had expressed dissent, Theresa May insisted the decision had been unanimous .


Wherever you see an unpleasant autocrat you will find teams of technicians censoring social networks and shutting down digital dissent.


In a lengthy and impassioned dissent delivered from the bench, a sign of deep disagreement, Justice Samuel A.

英国退欧之争升级 英镑应声大跌

But his appearance was met with hostile Tory questions and dissent.


" In China, where respect for authority is good business practice, Didi and Uber have couched their dissent carefully.


American conservatives have a ready answer: "Five lawyers have closed the debate and enacted their own vision of marriage as a matter of constitutional law," Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in a bitter dissent to the same-sex marriage decision, Obergefell v.


An eloquent memo to staff can quell fears, dampen dissent, or inspire people to reach new heights.


) While the bank did the right thing, however, it did so amid substantial internal dissent.

自由思想十诫 Ten Commandments---卢梭

Find more pleasure in intelligent dissent than in passive agreement, for if you value intelligence as you should, the former implies a deeper agreement than the latter.

英语小说:Between Rounds

'Tis no more than exercisin' the acrimony of a gentleman when ye ask the dissent of ladies blockin' the way for steppin' between them.

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