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This double emergence is the first time this has happened in 221 years.


A zodiacal allegory couched in mythological terms, it points to the setting of the light of the sun and the emergence of the darkness associated with the lower realm.


Now, new research published in the journal Current Biology has lifted the lid on these snazzy appendages, providing insights as to when thumbs became so dexterous, and how their emergence ties in with novel behaviors in humans.


Future research could examine the precise nature of the mechanism leading to the emergence of this face-name matching effect, for example how a person's name matches his or her face at different stages of life.


Several factors may contribute to its emergence.

澳大利亚新总理刚上任 自由党民调降至10年来最低

Morrison replaced Turnbull in a party-room vote last Friday, taking over as leader of the Liberal party after a week of political turmoil that led to the emergence of Australia's sixth prime minister in less than a decade.


"The emergence of the mobile phone and the rise of text messaging as a popular means of communication would appear to have impacted on standards of writing as evidenced in the responses of candidates," the report said, according to Wednesday's Irish Times.


But while the colorful, chunky runners double down on a silhouette your dad and dentist and high school chemistry teacher have sworn by for decades, the recent emergence of sock sneakers has led many guys to ask: Just how the hell do you wear them?


Shanghai United Real Estate, a little-known Chinese property developer, is planning to invest more than A$1bn in Australia, shrugging off economists' growing concerns about the emergence of a possible "housing bubble" in the main cities.


"We are bullish on the continued emergence of the Chinese consumer.


"Their emergence is attuned to the development of the sharing, smart and platform economies.


The emergence of empty-nest youth is a result of imbalanced social and economic development between big cities and smaller towns.


With the constant emergence of new technology, Chinese embroidery as a traditional handiwork is displaying its boundless vitality in the present-day world.


The larger point here is the emergence of an ecosystem for public problem-solving in which government is no longer the only or even necessarily the primary actor.


Birol, an economist, argues that pressing concerns about climate change and the emergence of countries like China and India as major energy consumers and polluters mean that the agency needs to shift its strategy.


, was a pupil of Plato in Athens and became a crucial figure in the emergence of Western philosophy.


All it might take is a big glitch in the Model 3's development, or the emergence of a sexier vehicle produced by one of Tesla's rivals — say a General Motors or Toyota — which have now been alerted to the possibility of mass market electric car sales.


While few in Britain, you would suspect, used a British computer between around 1995 and the emergence of the Raspberry Pi in 2012, UK tech companies such as ARM, which has its roots in Acorn Computers, are still of global importance.


For most of the past three decades world trade has grown at twice the rate of global GDP as globalisation has accelerated thanks to the emergence of major players such as China and other factors like the plummeting cost of transporting goods.


"We're talking about the emergence of chat commerce," said Lily Varón, an analyst at Forrester Research.

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