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, Don't beat yourself up, that will erode your self-esteem.


If you don't get rid of it, it will eventually erode the enamel on your teeth, creating tiny holes that are the very start of cavities.


But dentists said some of the methods can erode the enamel covering of the teeth, making them appear darker rather than whiter.


Dentists who recommend that patients chew sugar-free gum after meals may need to rethink their advice, after scientists found the habit could actually erode teeth.


"Long work hours erode a person's mental and physical health, because it leaves less time to eat well and look after themselves properly," Dinh said in a statement :",,.


Still, experts and app developers said that the rollout of Little Program on WeChat will erode the market share of app distributors like Apple Store in China.


Indirect tax is also considered highly regressive — adding to the tax burden on the poor — and economists also warn it could erode manufacturing competitiveness.


But this case marks one of the first times that individual currency traders have been accused of cheating a specific client, an allegation that could further erode trust in the bank.


Because the citric acid can erode tooth enamel, either hold off on brushing your teeth after drinking lemon water or brush your teeth before drinking it.


Other countries in Asia are closely watching what happens with the renminbi for fear its weaker path could erode their competitiveness, even though the currency's still-close links with its US counterpart mean China has not benefited from an export boost as the dollar has rallied this year.

马云收购《南华早报》 谈判正在进行中

Ma or Alibaba could further erode media independence in Hong Kong.

经营感情的奥秘 摒弃10个坏习惯

Both "giving conditionally and receiving cautiously" erode relationships.

外媒看中国 长城为何渐渐消失

Around 30 percent of China's Ming-era Great Wall has disappeared over time as adverse natural conditions and reckless human activities -- including stealing the bricks to build houses -- erode the UNESCO World Heritage site, state media reported.


The other implication of this shift could be that upstart brands who know their following will erode the legacy companies' market share, Roxanne Genier, cofounder of Agence:Luxury, explained.


Meanwhile, working in neighboring Guinea, Bausch watched paved roads erode to dirt paths and towns slide deeper into poverty under the weight of dictatorship and corruption.


Even the most assured among us can see their confidence erode when they're surrounded by geniuses.


, Don't beat yourself up, that will erode your self-esteem.

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