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Vincy listened in profound surprise without uttering even an exclamation, a silence which in his impatient temperament was a sign of unusual emotion.


" But Lydgate had not been long in the town before there were particulars enough reported of him to breed much more specific expectations and to intensify differences into partisanship; some of the particulars being of that impressive order of which the significance is entirely hidden, like a statistical amount without a standard of comparison, but with a note of exclamation at the end.


" was an artless exclamation of Catherine's towards the close of their conversation, which at once surprised and amused her companion.

迷人四月天:Chapter 14

Only a towel on, water running off his legs, and that exclamation.

迷人四月天:Chapter 7

Arbuthnot exclaimed, though her exclamation was only "Oh.

绿山墙的安妮:CHAPTER 38

" For a minute Anne, after her first quick exclamation of dismay, was silent.

绿山墙的安妮:CHAPTER I

She thought in exclamation points.


Uncle Benjamin silenced with another wave the exclamation of horror he knew was trembling on Mrs.


When they turned in at the Stirling gate Valancy gave an exclamation of surprise.


Barney uttered an aghast exclamation.


" is an exclamation of surprise used mostly in American and Canadian English.

辉煌壮丽的暴风雨 Glories of the Storm

It is heaven's exclamation point.

乔布斯传 第89期:抢劫施乐的创意(4)

",,,,", "He was the exclamation point for every step I showed.


When Nathaniel, a heartbroken man, went home to tell his wife that he was a failure and had been fired from his job in a customhouse, she surprised him with an exclamation of joy.


Nothing else can punctuate a look so efficiently — shoes are the semicolon, comma, exclamation mark and full stop of an outfit's expression.


And if he thought a few exclamation marks would make his message more agreeable, he was making a grave error.

《傲慢与偏见》第二章 第2节

" "What can be the meaning of that emphatic exclamation?


Martin, I admit, like you, I did give vent to an exclamation of surprise.


EXCLAMATION MARKS OR EMJOIS Using exclamation marks or emojis can suggest you feel insecure in your message.

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