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He had the sense that whatever she said was uttered in the vision of a fatality that kept them apart.


It seemed as impossible to bear the fatality she had drawn down on him without venting his fury as it would be to a panther to bear the javelin-wound without springing and biting.


Everything that had happened to him there seemed a mere preparation for this hateful fatality, which had come as a blight on his honorable ambition, and must make even people who had only vulgar standards regard his reputation as irrevocably damaged.


The first of those deaths came weeks before what was thought to be the first COVID-19 fatality in the United States.


The government will make the utmost effort to find out HIV-infected and AIDS patients, reduce infections through drug needles, blood transfusion and mother-to-child transmission, minimize the fatality rate and improve patients' quality of life, according to the plan posted on the website of the State Council.


The US fatality had already led Tesla to revamp its self-driving technology, giving more prominence to signals from its vehicles' on-board radar systems rather than relying so heavily on the front-facing camera.


From the purely rationalistic position taken by Tesla boss Elon Musk, one death after the 130m miles of autonomous driving his vehicles have clocked up is better than the average fatality rate on US roads.


There is no vaccine or treatment for the disease, with its fatality rate reaching 40.

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