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Then Diana's cousins, the Murrays from Newbridge, came; they all crowded into the big pung sleigh, among straw and furry robes.


The camp-fires—all their little household jokes and phrases and catch words—their furry beautiful cats—the lights agleam on the fairy islands—canoes skimming over Mistawis in the magic of morning—white birches shining among the dark spruces like beautiful women's bodies—winter snows and rose-red sunset fires—lakes drunken with moonshine—all the delights of her lost paradise.


They are forbidden by Peter to look in the least like him, and they wear the skins of the bears slain by themselves, in which they are so round and furry that when they fall they roll.


To do this, they compared the bacterial load in colony-forming units (CFU) of human-pathogenic microorganisms in specimens taken from 18 bearded men and 30 furry dogs.


If pet lovers decide to do anything at all, most will choose to bury their furry friends.


Many pet owners treat their furry friends as part of the family.

《龙猫》今日国内上映 中国版海报“暗藏玄机”

Not only is the furry Studio Ghibli mascot unflappably relaxed, he's taken 30 years to make his way to theaters in China.


But grooming 20-30 cats can get exhausting, and the staff began snapping shots of Terry taking his daily siestas with his furry friends and shared some of them on the shelter's Facebook page.


A new study by Just Right by Purina, examining pet owners' unique relationships with their furry friends, has unearthed some amazing information.


" If you want to take it one step further and get a furry friend of your own, discover these 15 Amazing Benefits of Adopting a Pet.

乔布斯传 第121期:像保时捷那样(5)

He rejected one of her renderings of a rabbit, , an icon for speeding up the mouse-click rate, saying that the furry creature looked "too gay.

万物简史 第3期:引言(3)

8 billion years you have abhorred oxygen and then doted on it, ,38,,, grown fins and limbs and jaunty sails, laid eggs, flicked the air with a forked tongue, been sleek, been furry, 、,,,、, lived underground, lived in trees, been as big as a deer and as small as a mouse, and a million things more.


Furry, four-legged friends are the stars once again, but this film, utilising the voice talents of Anderson regulars Ed Norton, Bob Balaban, Bill Murray and Jeff Goldblum, takes place in a near future where a "dog flu" has spurred the evil mayor of Japan's fictional Megasaki City to exile all canines to Trash Island.


" Keeping a pet is said to be a 'natural antidepressant', as cuddling a furry friend triggers release of the happy hormones serotonin, prolactin and oxytocin.


If you don't have a pet, perhaps play with a neighbor's furry friend or visit a shelter to coo over the cute puppies.


'If you don't dry yourself properly after showering, your body hair is going to grow out making you look like a furry bear' ",,.


A couple has been left lost for words after coming home to find a furry house guest taking up residence on their couch.


And when he jumped up on to the bulwark, forward of the snake, and set his little furry back against its huge scaly, slimy back, and began pushing as hard as he could, quite a number of people saw what he meant and rushed to both sides of the ship to do the same.


Sometimes, she finds it "oddly satisfying" to mentally shave a bearded man or imagine how a furry dog would look like after a swim in a lake.


Their little furry legs are spinning furiously,the wheel is turning furiously, but come tomorrow morning, they'll still be inthe same cage: great job.

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