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But China — which gave the world movable type printing, gunpowder and the compass — has spawned a population of tinkerers who display the kind of outsize ambition that has helped the country become a global economic giant.

仇 恨(节选) Hate(Excerpt)

Hitler should be burned at the stake, but the wood was to beignited by the explosion of a handful of gunpowder set off by a long fuse which should start inRotterdam and follow the main road to Amsterdam by way of Delft, The Hague, Leiden andHaarlem.


In the Song Dynasty people began to set off firecrackers filled with gunpowder, instead of burning bamboo tubes,on New Year's Eve.


Later on, people placed gunpowder in the bamboo stems and thus invented firecrackers.


The flash arises from an explosion of gunpowder within the pan, which was a part of the lock that held the priming in old types of gun.


The police have detected homemade charcoal gunpowder dynamite on the two explosion scenes.


For Rein, such an argument is historically incorrect, as even at the height of Confucianian influence, the country brought about huge innovations such as "gunpowder, multi-stage rockets and the compass".


Every schoolchild in America learns about China's many gifts to this world—from the invention of paper, to gunpowder, the wheelbarrow, the compass, acupuncture—right up to the first blast furnace and the first use of iron casting, back in the sixth century.


On 5 November the traditional Guy Fawkes celebrations with bonfires and fireworks remember the Gunpowder Plot of 1605.

安徒生童话英文版:Godfather’s Picture Book

There is blowing up with gunpowder, and the tearing down of houses.

The Beetle Who Went on His Travels

> The horse rode through the gunpowder smoke and a rain of bullets carrying the King on its back in the battles.

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