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It was very evident that Lincoln Island was at such a distance from every country or island that it would be too hazardous to attempt to reach one in a frail boat.


Everything favored the departure of the prisoners, but what might possibly be the termination of the hazardous voyage they contemplated in the midst of the furious elements?


It is hazardous to play poker with them, but their ingenuity adds a peculiar excitement to the best game in the world.


"We know these chemicals don't easily break down, they can build up in our bodies, and some can be toxic at high levels," said Dr Shaun Presow, Hazardous Substances Reassessments Manager.


It was a hazardous, though maybe a gallant thing to do, since it is probable that the legend commonly received has had no small share in the growth of Strickland's reputation; for there are many who have been attracted to his art by the detestation in which they held his character or the compassion with which they regarded his death; and the son's well-meaning efforts threw a singular chill upon the father's admirers.


" With a quaking heart, but as firm a footstep as he could command, Toad set forth cautiously on what seemed to be a most hare-brained and hazardous undertaking; but he was soon agreeably surprised to find how easy everything was made for him, and a little humbled at the thought that both his popularity, and the sex that seemed to inspire it, were really another's.


"We were surprised by the wide array of hazardous volatile organic compounds that were off-gassing from the audience -- including some that are known to be carcinogens in people, such as benzene and formaldehyde.


The announcements, which were shared on Tuesday, July 17, include a plan to no longer use fibers from endangered forests for fabric by 2023, to end its use of single-use plastics, and to commit to Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) by 2020.


Trouble is, the latest research shows they provide no benefit — and they may even be hazardous to our health.


"People in the least-developed countries already tend to be at higher risk of climate change, so depending on how population growth unfolds across the globe, there's going to be more people in hazardous areas," Snover said.


Dogs Never Come Home Drunk In fact, going to the pub and having a drink would be hazardous to their health.


On days that are categorized as 'hazardous', it may be best to stay inside.


"True genius resides in the capacity for evaluation of uncertain, hazardous, and conflicting information.


"Durian is not classified as a hazardous material to be transported on a plane," Sriwijaya Air official Abdul Rahim told national television station Kompas TV.


: purposefully injuring medical staff or damaging public and personal property in hospitals 、; illegally restrict personal freedom of medical staff ; carrying guns, ammunition, restricted tools or hazardous items into hospitals illegally 、、; insulting and threatening medical staff ; hospital appointment scalpers who seriously disrupt medical order 、.

名人励志英语演讲 第49期:我们选择登月(10)

And, therefore, as we set sail we ask God's blessing on the most hazardous and dangerous and greatest adventure on which man has ever embarked.


Hydrogen sulfide is a "colorless, flammable, extremely hazardous gas with a 'rotten egg' smell," according to the Occupational Health And Safety Administration.


Chemicals, heavy metals, bacteria, and other hazardous ingredients are turning up in makeup, skin creams, and hair styling products.


The results challenge previous studies into jogging which questioned whether it is healthy or hazardous, with the debate kicking off in the 70s when middle aged men began taking an interest in the exercise.


Coffee in California could soon come with a cancer warning A law requiring warnings about hazardous chemicals has already forced KFC to warn about french fries .

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