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In a car stuck in traffic, shutting all the windows and turning off the fan or heat reduced concentration doses of the smallest, most hazardous particles by up to 76 percent.


The United Nations (UN) warned that waste from discarded electronics like mobile phones, laptops and refrigerators is piling up worldwide, and it urged far better recycling of the often hazardous rubbish.


Last month hazardous smog began blanketing the Indian capital Delhi, prompting the Indian capital's chief minister Arvind Kejriwal to say the city had become a "gas chamber".


India's recent pollution emergency is the most dramatic incidence of hazardous air pollution, but smoggy skies have been a cause of growing concern in most developing countries.


Last year's ban on the "possession, stocking and selling" of fireworks was ordered only after Diwali, when the city's air quality had already reached hazardous levels.


Many other studies have not found such health risks, so more research is needed to understand what levels, if any, might be hazardous.


Faced with a growing refuse problem in urban areas, China plans to move ahead with household trash sorting in 46 major cities by requiring all public institutes and relevant companies to separate hazardous waste, kitchen waste and recyclable materials by 2020.


Energy drinks mask that, so people may underestimate how intoxicated they are, end up staying out later, consume more alcohol, and engage in risky behavior and more hazardous drinking practices.

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" Greenpeace said it would press Samsung for a detailed timeline on its efforts and step up its campaign to get other manufacturers to boost recycling and improve the handling of hazardous smartphone waste.


That poses a problem on days when hazardous air quality keeps families with small children at home, leading many malls to turn to cleaner air as a selling point.


Beijing's average density of hazardous fine particulate matter from January to October was 64 micrograms per cubic meter, an annual decrease of 8.


They found that despite their appearance and texture, they contain no plastic, and don't share its hazardous properties.


In a car stuck in traffic, shutting all the windows and turning off the fan or heat reduced concentration doses of the smallest, most hazardous particles by up to 76 percent.

堵车时 如何减少车内污染

In a car stuck in traffic, shutting all thewindows and turning off the fan or heat reduced concentration doses of thesmallest, most hazardous particles by up to 76 percent.


As the process continues, the researchers say robots can become more suitable for use in unknown environments that could be hazardous to humans, like deep sea mines or even other planets.


Volvo is aiming to put up to 100 self-driving cars on the roads in China in the hope that testing them on the country's notoriously congested, hazardous roads will enable the carmaker to pull ahead in the race to develop autonomous vehicle technologies.


The school has instituted a policy against students doing aerobic activity without wearing protective masks when the particulate levels reach the hazardous range.


Liu said his new work was inspired by the red alerts issued this month in Beijing for hazardous levels of air pollution.


In recent weeks, however, there has been a return of extremely hazardous smogs reminiscent of the "airpocalypse" that descended on Beijing three years ago.


Luo Yi, head of the Environ-mental Monitoring Department at the ministry, said air pollution will continue for a day in the northeast before easing gradually from hazardous levels to a light level because of slight rainfall.

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