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That is until they fall rapidly and inexplicably into a romance that astonishes them – and everyone around them!

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Inexplicably depressed.


That is until they fall rapidly and inexplicably into a romance that astonishes them--and everyone around them!


: "Sadblock does reduce what you see that's troubling, but also inexplicably deletes innocuous posts and leaves a lot of distressing ones.


Scientists have been examining the baffling phenomenon ever since a 1971 study showed female college roommates inexplicably ended up with the same menstrual cycle.


"They should be happy when they're little and learn that life isn't just about someone telling you that you have to suffer inexplicably", he said, adding: ",,.


A year ago Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook chief operating officer and author of Lean In, protested at the ludicrous stock images of working women found online: there was the woman in high heels climbing a ladder; the woman in business suit inexplicably wearing a pair of red boxing gloves; and an even more baffling picture in which a female manager in stilettos is walking on the back of a male colleague.


Stage 7: Revenge: "He/she will regret this" ,;"/" Inexplicably, you wake up one morning determined to reclaim your life, your heart, and your reputation – namely, by making sure the person who rejected you regrets it with every fibre of his being.


Along with your Netflix stream inexplicably buffering and Facebook emotionally manipulating you, tangled cords are the bane of modern existence.

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