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Between his father and Hareton, what playmates and instructors they'll be.


Soon you will be leaving the company of those who think they have all the answers-your professors, instructors and counselors-and going out into what we like to call the real world.


The fitness classes offered just aren't doing it for you Maybe when you joined the gym you liked the class schedule and instructors.


But it all takes an odd turn when the instructors count down for her to take the plunge - and she remains standing with her arms out on the ledge.


Dancers and fitness instructors, too, will note a change in how their feet aid them better through movements.


He admitted that he did, but said that he was fed up with high school and college instructors trying to teach him how to think.


Writing instructors focus on a number of complex skills that require extensive practice (e.


The instructors on the course "made you do all these crazy things to get out of ourselves", Mr Buffett says in the new HBO documentary Becoming Warren Buffett "",HBO《?


Fitness instructors and babysitter may enjoy better working conditions, but they are fully responsible for their client's safety.


Sure enough, students found the attractive instructors more motivating, easier to follow and possessed of greater health, intelligence and competence.


Many instructors use the five-paragraph model to introduce students to the basic structure of an essay.


Those visuals are chosen for a reason, and instructors often include information from the information on exams.


That rise is attributable in part to the wide range of fitness equipment and professional services (like those of fitness instructors and dieticians) that gyms offer these days and in part to general health awareness.


There are tons of different types of teachers, but the ones with the highest projected growth are preschool teachers and college instructors.


An official surnamed Su with the publicity department of the university said the policy has been in place for years and the school had also sought advice from instructors and students twice in the past.


Instructors believe it as well: in one study 55% believed it would lower students' scores while only 16% believed it would improve them.


To that end, an expert panel has developed 12 model routines that will be taught nationwide by instructors who have received official training.


A 19-year-old girl, referred to as Guo Lingling (this may be a pseudonym), was allegedly struck and kicked repeatedly by her so-called instructors after failing to ask permission to go to the bathroom.


Manythings are different when we have foreign instructors.


One reason for this is the lack of qualified instructors, says Zhou Lin, dean of Antai College at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

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