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Intriguingly, you don't even have to move much to enhance cognition; just standing will do the trick.

研究发现 人造檀香或能治疗脱发

Intriguingly, the results suggest that human hair follicles can "smell", in the sense that they make use of ancient smell receptors to control key functions such as growth.


Intriguingly, marital happiness long outlasted the honeymoon period.

来自好莱坞的讯息:拥抱过去 塑造城市未来

But intriguingly, from Hollywood — just a few miles from the conference site — came a blockbuster film that might also offer up an unintentional message for China's urban leaders.


Intriguingly, you don't even have to move much to enhance cognition; just standing will do the trick.

万物简史 第1期:引言(1)

To begin with, for you to be here now trillions of drifting atoms had somehow to assemble in an intricate and intriguingly obliging manner to create you.


Intriguingly, they found no link between computer screen time and bowel cancer risk.


Intriguingly, however, Dr Hill's studies indicate that the jet stream of a new cycle starts to form years before the sunspot pattern.


Intriguingly, this discrepancy even stretches to the way smiles are typed: with a flat mouth and squinting eyes, as opposed to dotted eyes with a curved mouth.


And intriguingly, wherever you find laughter, its roots are in tickling and play from humans to gorillas to rats.


Intriguingly, marital happiness long outlasted the honeymoon period.

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