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'The lack of sunlight can make us feel lethargic and depressed, and the lack of exercise and the fact that we are cooped up in a stuffy, centrally-heated house can make us feel edgy, irritable and stressed.


Sarah continues: "Each dad will experience postnatal depression differently but the symptoms can be similar to those found amongst new mums and can include: Feeling very low, tired and lethargic; a sense of inadequacy or inability to cope; feeling guilty or unable to bond with their baby; having obsessive fears about their baby's health, or about themselves and other members of the family.


The symptoms take a few days to appear so if your dog appears sleepy and lethargic, head straight to your vet.


Symptoms of the condition include feeling lethargic, having a high temperature, and fast breathing.


●Don't hurry when there is no need to but don't be lethargic when there is a need to carry out a task expeditiously.


Things to watch out for are low mood, being teary, being lethargic, not wanting to get out of bed and irrational thoughts.


Part of the reason that online innovation has been faster in China, says Mr Monteyne, is that the country has fewer "incumbent, lethargic retailers doing everything they can to protect their legacy assets and slowing down the transition".


This will help keep you feeling full and energized without giving you that lethargic feeling.


If you stay up late and compensate by sleeping late, you'll wake up lethargic and have trouble focusing.


Meanwhile, it's not rare to see lethargic employees at work or hear news of suicides caused by depression.


Economists led by Larry Summers, former Treasury secretary, have been propounding the sobering theory that the US may be mired in so-called secular stagnation — a trap of lethargic economic growth and depressed interest rates.


Once your body burns up the rush of nutrient-deprived, over-processed foods, you will start to feel groggy and lethargic.


The employees might themselves have become stale and lethargic.

7个错毁了你的面试 连自己都不知道

7) Being unenthusiastic and lethargic in the interview 7),.


He looked lethargic.

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