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No wonder that Lydgate had been unable to suppress all signs of inward trouble during the last few months, and now that Rosamond was regaining brilliant health, he meditated taking her entirely into confidence on his difficulties.


But this ill-tempered anticipation that she could desire visits which might be disagreeable to her husband, this gratuitous defence of himself against selfish complaint on her part, was too sharp a sting to be meditated on until after it had been resented.


"They are here," said Celia, with whom this explanation had been long meditated and prearranged.


Thorpe talked to his horse, and she meditated, by turns, on broken promises and broken arches, phaetons and false hangings, Tilneys and trap-doors.


A government survey conducted last year found 14 percent of adults said they had recently done yoga and the same percentage had recently meditated.

乔布斯传 第50期:热浪滚滚的时代(1)

This fusion of flower power and processor power, enlightenment and technology, ,, was embodied by Steve Jobs as he meditated in the mornings, audited physics classes at Stanford, ·,,, worked nights at Atari, and dreamed of starting his own business.

乔布斯传 第32期:非里德学院不读(3)

",,,", "We took psychedelic drugs there sometimes, but mainly we just meditated.


Those who meditated showed an average gain in IQ of 23 percent.


He not only meditated on mortality but also celebrated nature.


A timer helps to assure you that you have not meditated too long.

英语小说:Between Rounds

"'Tis Jawn McCaskey and his missis at it again," meditated the policeman.

格林童话英文版:The Sea-Hare

Next day he meditated for a long time how he should hide himself, but all in vain.

格林童话英文版:The True Sweetheart

"It ought to have beendone long before this," said she, and grew white with anger, but she meditated something new.

格林童话英文版:The Six Servants

" On this the proud heart of the maiden was filled with anger, and she meditated revenge.

安徒生童话英文版:The Philosopher’s Stone

The children thought deeply on all these things, and meditated upon them day and night.

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