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Along with food that is being digested, gasses including carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen and methane build up within your intestines and move out via peristalsis towards your anus.


There is even some evidence that modern purple-pigmented salt-loving organisms called halophiles might be related to some of the earliest life on Earth, which thrived around methane vents in the ocean, Schwieterman said.

万物简史 第53期:埃文斯牧师的宇宙(17)

When Earth was only about a third of its eventual size, , it was probably already beginning to form an atmosphere, mostly of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, methane, and sulfur.


The California Department of Food and Agriculture awarded the grant to the California Dairy Research Foundation to examine methane emissions -- a major environmental threat -- at the state's dairies.


The hydrogen, which is escaping into space from a hydrothermal vent on the moon's seafloor, could be a sign of methanogenesis, a form of anaerobic respiration in which microbes produce methane.


The team calculated the animals would have collectively produced more than 520 million tons of methane a year – more than all today's modern sources put together.


We also closely follow the amount of methane and carbon dioxide," he said, adding that no pollution to the environment or geological hazards had happened so far.


9 percent methane and produces much less pollution than coal, oil and natural gas.


As for WASP-12b, however, there was more than twice the concentration of carbon as usual and almost 100 times more methane than expected.

日本成功分离可燃冰 或化解能源危机

Japan said Tuesday it had successfully extracted methane hydrate, known as "fire ice", from its seabed, possibly unlocking many years' worth of gas for the resource-starved country.


The craft would be launched into orbit with empty fuel tanks, then be fuelled up with methane by a refuelling ship before it took off for Mars.


Frozen methane bubbles, Canada They look otherworldly, like flying saucers that dropped into the water and froze, or ancient, ice-encapsulated jellyfish.


Depending on soil type and fertilisation, the nitrogen in the dung and urine of grazing cattle contributes 20-40% of nitrous oxide emissions from agricultural land; methane is also emitted by cattle and other ruminants; nitrous oxide and methane are of course both greenhouse gases.


Scientists from China, Sweden and the United States have developed a high-yielding rice that can reduce methane emissions, a major greenhouse gas blamed for global warming, from paddies.


With cows being responsible for up to 25 percent of the methane gas released in the US each year, a group of scientists at Argentina's National Institute of Agricultural Technology is now attaching backpacks to cows to collect the animals'.

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