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Frederick was almost driven to believe that she had served God all her years for naught.


"I have one pound seventeen here, and two and six at the office; I can cut off my coffee at the office, say ten shillings, making two nine and six, with your eighteen and three makes three nine seven, with five naught naught in my cheque-book makes eight nine seven—who is that moving?

When Love Beckons You 当爱召唤你

Love gives naught but it self and takes naught but from itself.


If I bring rain and gloom and darkness and pessimism to my customers then they will react with rain and gloom and darkness and pessimism and they will purchase naught.


If I bring rain and gloom and darkness and pessimism to my customers then they will react with rain and gloom and darkness and pessimism and they will purchase naught.


Love gives naught but it self and takes naught but from itself.


Love gives naught but it self and takes naught but from itself.


Love gives naught but it self and takes naught but from itself.


Love gives naught but it self and takes naught but from itself.


Just drink in moderation or all of its good effects are for naught.


Whatever time was spent trying to nurture the company to fruition has been for naught.


The company's recent efforts to produce an Apple television have come to naught, and it is unclear whether it wants to make its own car, or merely the software to operate others.


Confronted by a distressingly untypical instance of fog-free skies, Monet grew desperate: "It seemed all my canvases were going for naught.


Laziness Even with a great idea and the courage to pursue it, your efforts will be for naught unless you're willing to take massive action.


Laziness Even with a great idea and the courage to pursue it, your efforts will be for naught unless you're willing to take massive action.


They understand that—no matter how nice they are to the person they're having lunch with—it's all for naught if that person witnesses them behaving badly toward someone else.


The Silken Tent --Robert Frost She is as in a field a silken tent At midday when a sunny summer breeze Has dried the dew and all its ropes relent, So that in guys it gently sways at ease , ,, ,, , Sand its supporting central cedar pole, That is its pinnacle to heavenward And signifies the sureness of its soul Seems to owe naught to any single cord, ,, , , , But strictly held by none, is loosely bound By countless silken ties of love and thought To everything on eart


When I consider everything that grows ; Holds in perfection but a little moment, , That this huge stage presenteth naught but shows Whereon the stars in secret influence comment; ; When I perceive that men as plants increase, :, Cheered and checked even by the selfsame sky, ,; Vaunt in their youthful sap, at height decrease, ,, And wear their brave state out of memory; —— Then the conceit of this inconstant stay ,, Sets you most ri


Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from pssesse, not nor would it be possessed.


Love gives naught but it self and takes naught but from itself.

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