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Scientists have observed this "nutrient dilution" when they've grown plants in the lab with artificially high levels of carbon dioxide.


It is an important nutrient for nerves, muscle tone and keeps bones strong.

研究显示 含糖饮料比其他食品更容易导致糖尿病

" But sweetened drinks, they said, "add excess 'nutrient poor' energy to diets that may have harmful effects.


Ideally, you want to choose a combination of whole foods to check off each nutrient.


Avocados are also a source of potassium, a nutrient that helps reduce blood pressure by acting as a natural diuretic to sweep excess sodium and fluid out of the body, which relieves pressure on the heart and arteries (bonus: that also means avocado is a natural de-bloater!

研究显示 中国人食盐量超标 应警惕健康风险

"Sodium is an essential nutrient but the requirement is very low at about 0.


" "Sodium is an essential nutrient but the requirement is very low at about 0.


'This is because green, leafy vegetables such as sprouts and spinach are high in vitamin K, a nutrient needed to make clotting factors in the body — the opposite of what warfarin does, which is to thin the blood.


Everyone was encouraged to reduce intake of the avoided nutrient to 20 grams per day over the first eight weeks, then participants slowly added fats or carbohydrates back to their diets until they reached the lowest level of intake they believed could be sustained for the long haul.


" This loss of surface area tends to result in a decrease in nutrient absorption.


They are also an excellent source offolate, which is a nutrient that's suspected (but not proven) to help protect your heart.


How to eat: Have 10g every day to reach your nutrient quota or try a kelp supplement.


It's one of the relatively few foods that contains an omega-three fatty acid, a nutrient that most people rely on fish to get.


According to new US research filling up on leafy green vegetables could be a factor in keeping your brain healthy later in life, thanks to a nutrient called lutein.


Choline, an essential nutrient found in eggs, stimulates brain development and function.


" Dr David Jockers said lectins have been shown to block nutrient absorption, which leads to problems.


It's one of the relatively few foods that contains an omega-three fatty acid, a nutrient that most people rely on fish to get.


'In developing countries, we can also add in things missing from the local diet, helping nutrient deficiencies, and we have had initial discussion with the world food programme about this.


If you're using fresh ingredients, flash heating them helps to preserve their nutrient.


Avocado is considered the world's healthiest fruit, because of its nutrient contents such as vitamin K, dietary fiber, potassium, folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin C and copper.

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