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We had nearly finished, and the two young people prudently shifted wider asunder, so I anticipated no further disturbance during that sitting: when Joseph appeared at the door, revealing by his quivering lip and furious eyes that the outrage committed on his precious shrubs was detected.


He had never felt more than friendship for her—had never had anything in his mind to justify what she felt to be her husband's outrage on the feelings of both: and that friendship he still felt.


" Peter had indeed perpetrated this outrage a year or two before.


The character of a scoundrel, logical and complete, has a fascination for his creator which is an outrage to law and order.


The character of a scoundrel, logical and complete, has a fascination for his creator which is an outrage to law and order.


But here was a man who sincerely did not mind what people thought of him, and so convention had no hold on him; he was like a wrestler whose body is oiled; you could not get a grip on him; it gave him a freedom which was an outrage.


"What is the meaning of this gross outrage?


Prime Minister Boris Johnson had previously praised the color change as a "wonderful thing" and bemoaned his "sense of personal loss and outrage" when the UK's previous blue passports were "taken away" in 1988.


) in the fast-food industry immediately prompted outrage.


But a New York health blogger who recently began serving what she calls "feel-great" Chinese food got a heaping serving of social media outrage this month.

丹麦摄影师攀爬大金字塔并拍下裸照 惹怒当局

The alleged incident has sparked outrage in the conservative Muslim country.


An anonymous bride is drawing social media outrage after uploading a Facebook post demanding her guests follow a weight-based dress code for her "24K"-themed wedding.


He Jiankui caused outrage when he told a genome summit he had altered the genes of twin baby girls so they could not contract HIV.


Facebook is facing outrage after a 17-year-old girl from South Sudan was auctioned off for marriage on their platform.


The footage caused outrage after surfacing online earlier last week.

本国航班上的腰果太难吃 斯里兰卡总统发飙

This is not the first time that airline nuts have prompted outrage.

新西兰代总理敦促澳大利亚换国旗 你们是抄袭的!

Peters' comments come at a delicate time in trans-Tasman relations, after the detention of a 17-year-old New Zealander in an adult detention facility in Melbourne, Australia, earlier this month that sparked outrage in New Zealand's capital, Wellington.


In April, the popular chain sparked nationwide outrage following the arrest of two black men in Philadelphia.


One, it escalates the emotional tone of Facebook's response — on Friday, it called Cambridge Analytica's actions "unacceptable"; today they are an outrage.

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