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The Tilneys, they, by whom, above all, she desired to be favourably thought of, outstripped even her wishes in the flattering measures by which their intimacy was to be continued.


2 million but outstripped estimates to fetch £2,187,500 (2.


Chinese wages also outstripped Argentina, Colombia and Thailand during the same time, as the country integrated more closely into the global economy after its 2001 admission into the World Trade Organisation.


5km from the maritime border with the US, with bids that far outstripped the minimum required.


Already, its most recent quarterly sales outstripped Facebook's second-quarter advertising revenues of $6.


For example, a pilot study that took place in rural China last year, demonstrated that the impact of vision on children's educational outcomes, significantly outstripped the enormous influence of both parental education and family wealth.


" The fall in the popularity of banking has also outstripped that of the overall financial sector, which includes insurance and fund management, whose appeal has fallen by 23 per cent.

英语小说:金银岛-Chapter 13

He fairly outstripped himself in willingness and civility; he was all smiles to everyone.

安徒生童话英文版-17 The Garden of Paradise

I went out with the Hottentots, who were lion-hunting in the Kaffir land, where the plains are covered with grass the color of a green olive; and here I ran races with the ostrich, but I soon outstripped him in swiftness.

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