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迷人四月天:Chapter 21

Oh, he had been happy during these years, because it was not in him to be unhappy; besides, how many interests life had had to offer him, how many friends, how much success, how many women only too willing to help him to blot out the thought of the altered, petrified, pitiful little wife at home who wouldn't spend his money, who was appalled by his books, who drifted away and away from him, and always if he tried to have it out with her asked him with patient obstinacy what he thought the things


The old lady stood petrified with astonishment, peering over her glasses; Tom lay on the floor expiring with laughter.


Fang 3 was petrified.


, When Buffett attended Columbia Business School, he was "petrified" to speak in public.


In fact, you're petrified of failure.

三万元遗产 The $30,000 Bequest(8)

" The Fosters sat petrified for two minutes; petrified and cold.

三万元遗产 The $30,000 Bequest(3)

Aleck--the--well, where you put up that plated article and play it for solid, you know, without intending anything improper, but just out of trade habit, ancient policy, petrified custom, loyalty to--to--hang it, I can't find the right words, but YOU know what I mean, Aleck, and that there isn't any harm in it.

安徒生童话英文版-17 The Garden of Paradise

It had the appearance of a chapel for the dead, with petrified organs and silent pipes.

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