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Or as if he were bound to provide charms for his posterity in his own person!

晨读美文:抱负 Ambition

It is, in its implications, to remove all motives for competence, in attainment, and regard for posterity.


He belongs to posterity as the instructor of future generations in the principles of liberty and freedom.


After Lü Buwei was forced to live in Shu, the valuable The Book of Lü was fortunately handed down to posterity.


It is, in its implications, to remove all motives for competence, interest in attainment, and regard for posterity.


,; Ten times thyself were happier than thou art, , If ten of thine ten times refigured thee: : Then what could death do if thou shouldst depart, ,, Leaving thee living in posterity?


Or who is he so fond will be the tomb , Of his self-love to stop posterity?

十四行诗 Sonnet 6

That use is not forbidden usury, Which happies those that pay the willing loan; That's for thyself to breed another thee, Or ten times happier, be it ten for one; Ten times thyself were happier than thou art, If ten of thine ten times refigured thee: Then what could death do, if thou shouldst depart, Leaving thee living in posterity?

十四行诗 Sonnet 3

Or who is he so fond will be the tomb Of his self-love, to stop posterity?


On the deathbed he had, on the one hand, the acclaim of contemporaries and of posterity; on the other, that triumph of hooting and of hating which the implacable past bestows on those who have combated it.


Unluckily for the raccoon, German photographer Susi Fischer was on hand to capture its embarrassment for posterity.


It's also been a great solace to me to believe that you're engaged in vindicating to posterity the course that we've pursued for preserving to them, in all their purity, their blessings of self-government, which we had assisted in acquiring for them.

英语名人名言: Writing 写作

Fran Lebowitz (1950 - ) After being Turned Down by numerous Publishers, he had decided to write for Posterity.

英语名人名言: Planning 计划

Edison (1847 - 1931) When we are planning for posterity, we ought to remember that virtue is not hereditary.

The Adventures of Prince Camaralzaman and the Princess Badoura

When he had finished the king exclaimed: "So remarkable a story must not be lost to posterity.

安徒生童话英文版:The Dryad

She thought she heard the stories of the old clergyman, of great deeds, and of the celebrated names, and of the gifts that the creatures of God must bestow upon posterity, if they would live on in the world.

安徒生童话英文版:Soup from a Sausage Skewer-3

'To work and to lay eggs,' say they, 'and to provide for posterity, is to live out your time properly;' and that they truly do.

The Worthwhile Job

" His dream was to be an architect and to leave his name in posterity.


Even now, one half century later, there is something about that day -– January 20, 1961 -– that feels immediate, feels new and urgent and exciting, despite the graininess of the 16-millimeter news reels that recorded it for posterity.

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