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And then came the distant rumble and hum of the metals, and a puff of white steam showed far away along the stretch of line.


It was only just as the train was beginning to puff and pull itself together to start again that he saw Phyllis.


Excuse my back a moment—I caught a puff of wind from the north—shouldn't wonder if things had loosened up in Esopus.


Now they stretched themselves out on their elbows and began to puff, charily, and with slender confidence.

英语世界文摘:A Guangzhou Guide to Yum Cha

Cakes, such as chewy pork biscuits and preserved egg puff pastry, are the main attractions of this restaurant, while the cream custard bun is another appealing eat.


And Anshu has revealed some details on giving up - including the positive changes that begin to happen to your body almost immediately after your last puff.

万物简史 第46期:埃文斯牧师的宇宙(10)

For sixty million silent years, the light from the star's spectacular demise traveled unceasingly through space 6000,,, until one night in August of 2001 it arrived at Earth in the form of a puff of radiance, the tiniest brightening, in the night sky.


Our whole system of finding meaning could dissolve like a puff of smoke.


And in the evening if it turned chilly, as it sometimes did after the heavy rains, he was a comfort to everyone, for the whole party would come and sit with their backs against his hot sides and get well warmed and dried; and one puff of his fiery breath would light the most obstinate fire.


Don't just say you're good at something and puff it up with a bunch of empty adjectives; share a story that demonstrates it.


The carts go creaking through the crumbled snow, the chimneys puff their smoke, one very window pane, delightful fairy tracings show.


Britain - puff adder - The common adder is Britain's only poisonous snake and while its venom isn't very toxic, it should still be treated with respect and left alone.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(63)

"It won't kill you," he said, taking another puff.


Puff Daddy was among several unconventional choices for commencement speakers.


The carts go creaking through the crumbled snow, the chimneys puff their smoke, one very window pane, delightful fairy tracings show.


Looks like a quick puff of colored smoke?

优酷土豆加深结合度 成立合一影业

Allen Zhu, Heyi Film chief executive, said the studio planned five films based on hit internet series such as Yes Boss, Surprise and Miss Puff.

英语小说: 金银岛-Chapter 23

Just while I was meditating, a puff came, caught the HISPANIOLA, and forced her up into the current; and to my great joy, I felt the hawser slacken in my grasp, and the hand by which I held it dip for a second under water.


Eat a healthy, balanced diet and avoid salt, which can make you retain water and puff up those bags.


It's known in the trade as puff.

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